All the Works of Epictetus, Which Are Now Extant/Book 2/Chapter 7

Epictetus4598762All the Works of Epictetus, Which Are Now Extant — Book 2, Chapter 71759Elizabeth Carter


Of Divination.

§. 1.From an unseasonable Regard to Divination, we omit many Duties[1]. For what can the Diviner see, besides Death, or Danger, or Sickness, or, in short, Things of this Kind? When it is necessary, then, to expose one's self to Danger for a Friend, or even a Duty to die for him, what Occasion have I for Divination? Have not I a Diviner within, who hath told me the Essence of Good and Evil; and who explains to me the Indications of both? What further Need, then, have I of the Entrails [of Victims], or [the Flight] of Birds? Can I bear with the other Diviner, when he says, "This is for your Interest?" For doth he know what is for my Interest? Doth he know what Good is? Hath he learned the Indications of Good and Evil, as he hath those of the Victims? If so, he knows the Indications likewise of Fair and Base, Just and Unjust. Do you tell me, Sir, what is indicated to me? Life or Death Riches or Poverty. But whether these Things are for my Interest, or not, I shall not inquire of you. Why? Because you do not give your Opinion about Grammar [or any established Point of Knowledge]; and do you give it here, in Things about which we all take different Ways, and dispute with one another? Therefore the Lady, who was going to send a Month's Provision to Gratilla[2], in her Banishment, made a right Answer to one, who told her Domitian would seize it: I had rather, says she, that he should seize it, than I not send it.

§. 2. What, then, is it that leads us so often to Divination? Cowardice; the Dread of Events. Hence we flatter the Diviners. "Pray, Sir, shall I inherit my Father's Estate?"——"Let us see: let us sacrifice upon the Occasion.""——"Nay, Sir, just as Fortune pleases." Then, if he says, "You shall inherit it, we give him Thanks, as if we received the Inheritance from him. The Consequence of this is, that they play upon us.

§. 3. What, then, is to be done?

We should come without previous Desire or Aversion. As a Traveler inquires the Road of the Person he meets, without any Desire for that which turns to the right Hand, more than to the Left: for he wishes for neither of these; but that only which leads him properly. Thus we should come to God, as to a Guide. Just as we make use of our Eyes: not persuading them to show us one Object rather than another; but receiving such as they present to us. But now we hold the Bird with Fear and Trembling: and, in our Invocations to God, intreat him; "Lord have Mercy upon me: suffer me to come off safe." You, Wretch! Would you have any thing then, but what is best? And what is best, but what pleases God? Why do you, as far as in you lies, corrupt your Judge, and seduce your Adviser?


  1. The Stoics were Advocates for Divination; though they condemned, what they deemed, the Abuses of it. The 32d Chapter of the Enchiridion is on the same Subject.
  2. A Lady of high Rank at Rome, banished from Italy, among many other noble Persons, by Domitian.