Academics, deny the Evidence of the Senses, B. II. c. xx. §. 6.

Adultery reproved, II. iv. §. 1, 2.

Affection, not inconsistent with Reason, I. xi. §. 2.——how to be regulated, III. xxiv. §. 4.——when miscalled, ibid.

Agrippinus. His Behaviour about his Trial, I. i. §. 8.——His Answer to Florus, I. ii. §. 3.

Anger reproved, II. xviii. §. 3.

Appearances to the Mind, a right Use of them in our own Power, I. i. §. 2.——the Standard of Action, I. xxviii. §. 2.

Archedemus, II. iv. §. 2. xvii. §. 4. xix. §. 1. III. ii. §. 5.

Attention recommended, IV. xii.


Beauty, Human, consists in human Excellence, B. III. c. i. §. 1.——in the rational Part, ib. §. 3.

Body, dependent on Externals, I. i. §. 2. III. xxii. §. 5. IV. i, §. 11, 12, 14.——Clay, I. i. §. 3. III. xxii. §. 5. IV. i. §. 12.——our last Garment, I. xxv. §. 3.——compared to an Ass, IV. i. §. 11.


Caution consistent with Courage, B. II. c. i. §. 1, &c.——necessary in things dependent on Choice, II. i. §. 4.

Character to be preserved, I. ii. §. 3, 7. II. ii. §. 3.

Choice uncontroulable by Jupiter himself, I. i. §. 6.——incapable of Restraint, I. xvii. §. 2. xxii. §. 2. III. xix. §. 1.——in our own Power, II. v. §. 1.——is Virtue and Vice; Happiness and Unhappiness, II. xxiii. §. 1, 2.

Chrysippus, I. iv. Note (b). II. vi. §. 2. xvii. §. 3. xix. §. 1. III. i. §. 5. xxi. §. 1.——why useful, I. iv. §. 5. xvii. §. 2.

Cleanthes, III. xxvi. Note (c). IV. i. §. 19.

Complaisance to be conducted with Caution, III. xvi. §. 1. IV. ii.

Common Sense what, III. vi. §. 3.

Company a Festival, I. xii. §. 2. IV. §. 3.

Conceit reproved, II. xi. §. 1. xvii. §. 1, 4. III. ii. §. 4. xiv. §. 4.

Contentment recommended, I. i. §. 5. ix. §. 4. IV. iv. §. 6. vii. §. 3.

Crates, III. xxii. Note (u).


Death to be encountered chearfully, B. I. c. i. §. 6.——a Restitution of what is not our own, I. i. §. 9.——no Evil, I. ix. §. 3. xxiv. §. 1. xxvii. §. 1. III. viii. §. 1. x. §. 2. a Vizard, II. i. §. 3.——a Return to the Elements, III. xiii. §. 1. IV. vii. §. 3.——only the Separation of Soul and Body, III. xxii. §. 4.——a Loss of personal Existence, III. xxiv. §. 5.——not terrible, Ench. c. v.——to be placed continually before our Eyes, Ench. c. xxi.

Demetrius, his Speech to Nero, I. xxv. §. 3.

Desires in our own Power, I. i. §. 3. II. ii. §. 1. Ench. c. i.——are to be suppressed by a Beginner in Philosophy, I. iv. §. 1. III. xiii. §. 3. xxii. §. 2. IV. iv. §. 2, 3. Ench. c. ii. Determinations not all to be kept, II. xv.

Difficulties their Use, I. xxiv. §. 1.

Diffidence, faulty, reproved, III. xiv. §. 4.

Diogenes taken for a Spy, I. xxiv. Note (c). III. xxii. §. 3.——his Answer to one who desired recommendatory Letters, II. iii. §. 1.——taken by Pyrates, II. xiii. Note (c).——his Behaviour in a Fever, III. xxii. §. 6.——his Quickness in Repartee, III. xxii. §. 12.——his Benevolence, III. xxiv. §. 4.——his Notion of Freedom, III. xxiv. §. 4. IV. i. §. 6, 13, 17.

Discontent reproved, I. vi. §. 6. xii. §. 2. II. xvi. §. 2. IV. i. §. 12. iv. §. 3. Frag. xii.

Discourse, indecent, to be avoided, Ench. xxxiii.

Distrust in Providence reproved, I. ix. §. 2. III. xxvi. §. 1.

Divination, ill Effects of an unreasonable Regard to it, II. vii. §. 1.——the proper Disposition in applying to it, ib. §. Ench. c. xxxii.

Duty, filial, recommended, III. vii. §. 3. Ench. c. xxx.


Education, why necessary, B. I. c. ii. §. 2.——in what it consists, II. xxii. §. 2. IV. v. §. 1.——what the Stoics meant by it, II. i. Note (b).

Egotism to be avoided, Ench. c. xxxiii.

Elocution the Gift of God, II. xxiii. §. 1.——useful, but not principally so, II. xxiii. §. 2.

Envy reproved, III. ii. §. 4, 6.

Epaphroditus, I. i. §. 5. I. xix. §. 3. I. xxvi. §. 2.

Epicurus placed the Good of Man in Body, I. xx. xxiii. §. 1. III. vii. §. 1.——forbad Marriage, and the Care of Children, and engaging in the Service of the Public, I. xxiii. §. 1. III. vii. §. 2.——denied the natural Relation of Mankind to each other, II. xx. §. 2.——taught Irreligion and Injustice, II. xx. §. 4.——did not pronounce Stealing to be evil, III. vii. §. 1.——his Principles wicked, pernicious, and lead to Oppression, Adultery, and Murder, III, vii. §. 1, 2.

Error, all, involuntary, I. xvii. §. 2. xviii. §. 1. II. xxvi. §. 1. Ench. c. xlii.

Evil consists in a bad Choice, II. i. §. 1.——a mere Negation, Ench. c. xxvii.

Euphrates, the Philosopher, III. xv. §. 1. IV. viii. §. 4.

Externals not in our own Power, I. xxii. §. 2. II. v. §. 1, &c.——Materials to the Faculty of Choice, I. xxix. §. 1.——not to be treated carelessly, II. v. §. 2.


Fancy, the Guide of Madmen, B. I. c. xxviii. §. v.

Fates, I. xii. §. 2.

Florus, I. ii. §. 3.

Friendship to be met with only in Prudence and Virtue, II. xxii. §. 1, 4. Frag. X.——impossible in a bad Man, II. xxii. §. 3, 5.


Galba, B. III. c. xvii.

Galileans, IV. vii. § 2. Note (a).

GOD the universal Father and Creator, I. iii. §. 1. ix. §. 1. II. viii. §. 3.——is omnipresent and omniscient, I. xiv. §. 1, 2. II. xiv. §. 2.——doth not neglect the smallest things, III. xxiv. §. 6.——our Faculties and Abilities his Gift, I. vị. §. 6. II. xxiii. §. 1.——wherein consists His Essence, II. viii. §. 1.——makes Revelations to Mankind, III. i. §. 7.——the Author of all we enjoy, I. xvi. §. 3. II. xxiii. §. 1. IV. i. §. 12.——Dependence on Him recommended, II. xix. §. 3.——To be thanked for the Instructions we receive from wise and good Men, I. iv. §. 5.——for moral Improvement, II. xviii. 3.——proposed to our Imitation. See Imitation.——Made all Men to be happy, and hath put Happiness in our own Power, I. xxix. §. 1. III. xxiv. §. 1.——to be consulted in our Undertakings, III. xxii. §. 6.

God. See Jupiter.

Gods, different Opinions concerning them, I. xii. §. 1.

Good to be sought from ourselves, I. xxix. §. 1. III. xxii. §. 5.——the universal Motive of Action, III. iii. §. 2.——in our own Power, I. xxix. §. 6. III. iii. §. 2.——consists in Choice, I. xxx. II. xvi. §. 1. xxiii. §. 2. III. x. § 2.——not in the Externals, III. xx. §. 1. xxii. §. 4.

Grief. Rebellion against God, III. xxiv. §. 1.


Health. Not a Good, B. III. c. x. §. 2. xx. §. 1.

Helvidius Priscus, I. ii. §. 4, 5.

Hermes, (Rod of) III. xx. §. 1

Hippocrates, I. viii. §. 1.

Humility recommended, Ench. c. xxxiii. Frag. iii.


Imitation of God, B. II. c. xiv. §. 2. xvi. §. 4.——of good Men, II. xviii. §. 4, 5. xix. §. 3, III. xxiv. §. 1. Ench. c. xxxiii.

Improvement, in what to be sought, I. iv. §. 3, 4. III. vi. §. 1.

Industry, wherein it consists, IV. iv. §. 5.

Italicus, III. viii. §. 3.

Jupiter, I. i. §. 3, 4, 6. xii. §. 2. See GOD.


Lateranus, Plautius, B. I. c. i. §. 5.

Laughter reproved, Ench. c. xxxiii.

Law (divine) what, II. xvi. §. 3. III. xi. §. 1. xxiv. §. 2.

Lesbius, III. xx.

Life a thing indifferent, II. vi. §. 1.

Logic, its Use, I. vii. I. xvii. §. 1.

Love, consistent only with Prudence, II. xxii. §. 1.


Man, a Spectator and Interpreter of the Works of God, B. I. c. vi. §. 4.——not made for an inactive Life, x. §. 2.——his Good consists in a due Regulation of the Choice, I. viii. §. 2. xxv. §. 1.——is possessed of free Will, I. xvii. §. 2, xix. §. 2.——Part of a Commonwealth, II. v. §. 4. x. §. 1. IV. vii. §. 2.——how preserved and how destroyed, II. ix. §. 2.——his End to follow God, I. xxx.——formed to change his Abode, III. xxiv. §. 1.——his Nature gentle, sociable, and faithful, IV. i. §. 13. v. §. 2.——Man not the Master of Man, IV. i. §. 12.

Marriage inconsistent with the Cynic Profession, III. xxii. §. 8.——recommended, III. vii. §. 3. xxi. §. 1.

Master, who, I. xxix. §. 9. II. ii. §. 4. Ench. c. xiv.

Maximus, III. vii. §. 1.

Money, not a Good, II. xvi. §. 1.


Neatness recommended, B. III. c. i. §. 7. IV. xi. §. 1, 3.

Nero, I. i. §. 5. ii. §. 3.


Ostentation reproved, B. III. c, xii. §. 1, 5. xiv. §. 2. xxiii. §. 1, 2. xxiv. §. 7. Ench. c. xlvi. xlvii.


Patience the Gift of God, B. I. c. vi. §. 5. II. xvi. §. 2. III, viii. §. 2.

Philosophers what they ought to study, I. i. f. 6. xx. §. 1. II. xiv. §. 2. III. x. §. 2.——how treated, II, xii. §. 2. III. viii. §. 3. Ench. c. xxii.

Plato, I. viii. §. 1. II. xvii. 1, 2.——directs Prayer, II. xviii, §. 4.——his Notion of a Community of Wives, Frag. xlviii.

Pleasure not a Good, II. xi. §. 3.——an Attendant on Virtue, III. vii. §. 3.

Polemo, III. i. Note (c).

Poverty not an Evil, III. xvii. §. 1. IV. vi. §. 1.

Prayer recommended, II. xviii. §. 4, 5. III. xxi. §. 1.

Principles not dependent on Externals, I. xi. §. 3.——the supreme Rule of Action, I. xviij. §. 1. III. ix. §. 1.

Procrastination reproved. Ench. c. l.

Providence, Instances of its Wisdom and Goodness, I. vi. §. 1, 2, 3.——Those Instances Proofs of a God, ib.——Gives the best things to the best Men, III. xvii. §. 1.

Pseudomenos, II. xvii. Note (d).

Pyrrho, I. xxvii. Note (a).

Pyrrhonists ridiculed, I. xxvii. §. 2.


Quarrelling reproved, B. IV. c. v. §. 1, 2.


Reason equal in gods and Men, B. I. c. xii. §. 2.——contemplates itself, I. xx. §. 1.——appointed to a proper Use of the Appearances of Things, I. xx. §. 1.

Resignation recommended, I. i. §. 5. II, xyi. §. 3. IV. i, 6. 12.

Revenge reproved, II. x. §. 5.

Riches not a Good, Frag. xvi. xviii.

Rufus, I. ix. §. 8. III. vi. §. 4. xvii. xxiii. f. 1.——his Answer to Thraseas, I. i. §. 7.——to Epictetus, I. vii. §. 4.


Self-Interest the universal Motive of Action, B. I. c. xix. §. 2.——natural, I. xxii. §. 3. II. xxii. §. 1.——the Ground of Piety, I. xxvii. §. 1. II. xxii. §. 2. Ench. c. xxxi.

Sceptics ridiculed, I. xxvii. §. 2.

Servants. Humanity to them, Frag. XXX.

Shame (false) reproved, III. xxiv. §. 7. xxvi. §. 1.

Sickness not an Evil, III. xx. §. 1.——its Use, III. xx. §. 1.——no Impediment to the Mind, Ench. c. ix.

Socrates, his Resignation to the divine Will, I. iv. §. 4.——a Citizen of the World, I. ix. §. 1.——his Speech to his Judges, I. ix. §. 5. III. 1. §. 4. xxiii. §. 1.——began by the Examination of Words, I. xvii. §. 1.——always preserved the same Countenance, I. xxv. §. 4.——forbids an unexamined Life, I. xxvi. §. 3. III. xii. §. 4.——his Excuse of the Jailor, I. xxix. §. 10.——whether he writ any thing, II. i. Note (f)——his Pleasantry at his Trial, II. v. Note (c).——wrote Hymns in Prison, II. vi. §. 2.——made his Opponent bear witness to him, II. xii. §. 2. xxvi. §. 2.——his Chastity, II. xviii. §. 4.——never provoked in a Dispute, II. xii. §. 2.——never quarrelled, nor suffered others to quarrel, IV. v. §. 1.——Author of Confutation, III. xiv. §. 4.—— his Modesty, III. xxiii. §. 1. IV. viii. §. 5.——his Neatness, IV. xi. §. 3.——his Courage, IV. i. §. 18.——in what manner he loved his Children, III. xxiv. §. 4. IV. i. §. 18.——disobeyed the thirty Tyrants, IV. i. §. 18.——his Answer about his Burial, I. xxix. Note (b).——when advised to prepare for his Trial, II. ii. §. 1.——to Crito, IV. i. §. 18.

Solicitude the Effect of Ignorance, II. xiii. §. 1. xvi. §. 1.

Solitude a State of Repose and Freedom, I. xii. §. 2. IV. iv. §. 3.——to be rendered agreeable by Contemplation, and Dependence on God, III. xiii. §. 1.

Soul, a Portion of the divine Essence, I. xiv. §. 1. xvii. §. 2. II. viii. §. 2.——never willingly deprived of Truth, I. xxviii. §. 1. II. xxii. §. 5.

Spartans, I. ii. §. 1.

Superfluities to be avoided, Ench. c. xxxiii. xxxix. Frag. xxi. xxv. xxix.

Sura, III. xvii. Note (d).


Thanksgiving recommended, B. I. c. i. §. 3. iv. §. 5. xii. §. 1. xvi. §. 3. II. xxiii. §. 1. III. v. §. 1. IV. iv. §. 1. vii. §. 2.

Thraseus, I. i. §. 2.


Vanity reproved, Ench. c. vi. xliv. xlix. Frag. xiii.

Vespasian, I. ii. §. 4.

Vulgar to be avoided, III. xvi. §. 2. Ench. c. xxxiii.——Difference between them and a Philosopher. Ench. c. xlviii.


Women, for what to be esteemed, Ench. xl.

World, a System composed of Men and God, I. ix. §. 1.——one great City, III. xxiv. §. 1, 3.——hath a Governor, II. xiv. §. 4.

Worship (divine) recommended, III. vii. §. 3. IV. iv. §. 6. Ench. c. xxxi.


Zeno, I. xx. Note (a), B. II. c. xiii. §.2. IV. viii. §. 2.