Ambarvalia/Burbidge/To a Friend

3331885Ambarvalia — To a FriendThomas Burbidge


Friend, give to me that calmer heart,
For I have learned by you
How 'tis the higher, lovelier part,
To suffer than to do.

Teach me, like thee, serene and still,
To let my life go play,
My humble task to mark its will,
And to approve the way.

For me, I make, I mend, I mar,
I order, and must rule;
Those blessings scarcely blessings are,
I have not put to school.

But life at every moment crost
Is overmuch employed;
Nor while I mourn o'er what is lost,
Is what is saved enjoyed.

Each morn for thee in joy that breaks
Thy wisdom, friend, approves;
And health hath marked thee on the cheeks
For one whom Nature loves.