An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, A (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2505457An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, A — Amboss1891John Francis Davis

Amboss, m. ‘anvil,’ from MidHG. anebôȥ, OHG. anabôȥ, m., ‘anvil'; a specifically G. word allied to OHG. bôȥân, MidHG. bôȥen, ‘to beat, strike.’ Comp. AS. beátan, E. to beat (see Beifuß, Beutel, bosseln). Whether OHG. ana-bôȥ is formed by the imitation of Lat. incus (allied to cudere) is uncertain, for the smith's art was early developed among the Teutons without any Southern influence. The corresponding terms AS. anfilt, E. anvil (also OHG. ana-falz), Du. aanbeeld, MidLG. anebelte, Dan. ambolt, are similarly formed.