An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Annotated/Kunkel

Kunkel, feminine, ‘distaff,’ from the equivalent Middle High German kunkel, feminine, Old High German chunchala, feminine; a Suabian, Alemannian, and Rhenish word, for which Rocken occurs in other dialects (Bavarian and also Middle German). It is wanting in the remaining Old Teutonic dialects, and its diffusion supports the assumption that it has been borrowed from Romance, especially since the earlier Old High German form chonachla closely resembles the equivalent Romance words in sound; Middle Latin conucla (for colucula?, diminutive of colus, ‘distaff’?), equivalent to Italian conocchia, French quenouille, ‘distaff,’ whence also the equivalent Old Irish cuicel. Others refer the word to the cognates discussed under Kaufer, with the primary meaning ‘to spin.’