An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Annotated/Löffel

Löffel, masculine, ‘spoon, ladle,’ from the equivalent Middle High German lęffel, Old High German lęffil (lępfil), masculine; corresponding to Low German and Dutch lepel (whence Icelandic lepill, ‘spoon’), Derived from a Teutonic root lap, ‘to drink, lick,’ which is assumed by Old High German laffan, ‘to lick, Anglo-Saxon lapian, ‘to drink, lap’; further by Latin lambere, ‘to lick’; hence Löffel means literally ‘a utensil for sipping liquids’ (see Lefze and Lippe). The Scandinavian term is spánn, which was adopted in English as spoon (in Anglo-Saxon cucelêre, equivalent to Latin cochlear; see under Span.