An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Annotated/Naber

Naber, Näber, masculine, ‘auger, gimlet,’ from Middle High German nęgber, nagcber, masculine, a strange corruption (probably by connection with Nagel) of nębe-gêr, nabe-gêr, masculine, ‘auger’ (compare Essig). Corresponding to Old High German naba-gêr, masculine, ‘auger,’ literally ‘spear, pointed iron tool to bore naves,’ also Anglo-Saxon nafogâr, ‘auger,’ Middle English nevagǫ̂r, nauger, English auger (with regard to the apparent loss of an initial n compare English adder, equivalent to Modern High German Otter; similarly Dutch avegaar, ‘auger,’ as well as aaf, are, ‘nave’), equivalent to Old Low German nabugêr, Scandinavian nafarr, ‘auger.’ An Old Teutonic compound, whence Finnish napakaira, ‘auger.’