An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Annotated/Schere

Schere (1.), feminine, ‘scissors, shears,’ from the equivalent Middle High German schœre, feminine, which is probably plural, Old High German scârî, plural of skar and skâra, ‘shears’; with regard to the plural compare Italian cesoje and forbici, plural, French ciseaux, equivalent to English scissors. In Sanscrit the word was of course dual; compare bhuríjâ (Rig-Veda), dual ‘shears.’ Compare Dutch schaar, Middle English schêre, English shears (plural), and the equivalent Old Icelandic skœ́re, neuter plural. See scheren.

Schere (2.), feminine, ‘rock, reef,’ Modern High German only, formed from the equivalent Swedish skär (Danish skjœr), neuter; compare Old Icelandic sker, ‘cliff.’