An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Annotated/Schimpf

Schimpf, masculine, ‘insult, abuse, affront,’ from Middle High German schimpf (parallel form schampf), masculine, ‘jest, pastime, play, tournament.’ The current meaning first appeared in early Modern High German; yet the older sense ‘jest,’ which belongs to Old High German scimpf, Middle High German schimpf, was retained till the 17th century (Logau); compare Dutch schimp, ‘scorn, mockery,’ Middle High German schumpfe, feminine, ‘paramour’ (literally ‘she who jests’). The root skimp, ‘to jest,’ which appears in Old High German scimpf, is wanting in the other Teutonic dialects. It has been connected with Greek σκώπτω, ‘to jest, deride,’ which, with its double meaning, certainly furnishes an analogy for Middle High German Schimpf.