An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Annotated/schießen

schießen, verb, ‘to shoot,’ from the equivalent Middle High German schieȥen, Old High German scioȥan; the corresponding verb occurs in the same sense in all the Old Teutonic dialects; compare Old Saxon skeotan (Dutch schieten), Anglo-Saxon sčeótan (English to shoot), Old Icelandic skjóta, Gothic (by chance not recorded) *skiutan. The root skut, ‘to shoot,’ from pre-Teutonic skud, is widely diffused in Teutonic, and corresponds to the Sanscrit root kšud, ‘to shatter, excite,’ or better with Sanscrit skund, ‘to leap forth.’ For derivatives see Schoß, Schuß, Schutz, and Schütze.