An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Annotated/schneuzen

schneuzen, verb, ‘to blow one's nose, snuff (a candle),’ from the equivalent Middle High German sniuzen, Old High German snûzen; compare the equivalent Dutch snuiten; Old Icelandic snýta. To this Schnauze is allied. The Teutonic root snût appears as snutt in Middle High German snuz, ‘clogging of the nose,’ Dutch snot, ‘snot’ (snottolf, ‘snotty nose’), Anglo-Saxon snot (tt), English snot. Allied to a Teutonic root snū̆þ, in Middle High German snudel, snuder, ‘stoppage of the nose,’ Middle High German and Old High German snûden, ‘to snort, snore.’