An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Erle
Erle, f., ‘alder,’ from the equiv. MidHG. ęrle, OHG. ęrila, ęlira (to this is allied ModHG. Elritze, ‘minnow,’ OHG. ęrlinc, lit. ‘elder fish’?). Comp. LG. eller, Du. els (ModHG. Elsbeere, ‘wild service-berry’), AS. alor, E. alder, OIc. ǫlr, elrer, elre; Goth. *alisa (*aluza) appears in Span. alisa, ‘alder,’ Fr. alize, ‘wild service-berry.’ The change of the orig. OHG. ęlira to ęrila is analogous to Goth. waírilôs compared with AS. wëleras, ‘lips’ (see Essig). Cognates of Erle, like those of Buche, Birke, &c., are found in the non-Teut. languages. Comp. OSlov. jelĭcha, Lat. alnus (for *alsnus), ‘alder.’ Comp. Ulme.