An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, F (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2508158An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, F — Färse1891John Francis Davis

Färse, f. (unknown to UpG.), ‘heifer,’ from MidHG. (MidG. and LG.) vęrse, f.; comp. Du. vaars, ‘heifer’ (likewise vaarkoe, ‘heifer’); in Goth. probably *farsi, gen. farsjôs; E. heifer, from the equiv. AS. heáhfore, heáfre, f., seems to contain Farre, Färse, in the final syllable. The stem farz, fars, does not recur exactly in the cognate languages, yet Gr. πόρις, πόρτις, ‘calf, heifer,’ agree with it in sound; likewise Sans. pṛšatî, ‘white-spotted cow’ (fem. of prat, ‘speckled, spotted’)?. Färse, see under Farre.