An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, F (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2508256An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, F — Fleck1891John Francis Davis

Fleck, Flecken, m., n., with many senses which are historically the same, ‘spot, stain, patch,’ from MidHG. vlëc, vlëcke, m., ‘piece of stuff, patch, rag, piece of land, place, spot, differently coloured spot, stain, blemish,’ OHG. flëc, flëccho; Du. vlek, f., ‘spot of dirt,’ vlek, n., ‘village’; Goth. *flikka- or *flikkan- (or rather *þl-) is wanting; comp. OIc. flekkr (gen. plur. flekkja), m., ‘a fleck, spot, stain,’ as well as flík, f., ‘rag, piece of stuff.’ Its connection with Scand. flikke, AS. flicce, E. flitch, is dubious. See flicken.