An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Gift
Gift in Mitgift, Brautgift, f., from the equiv. MidHG. and OHG. gift, f., ‘gift, present’; a verbal noun from geben (Goth. gifts, E. gift). — Gift, n., meaning ‘poison,’ is the same word (for the evolution of meaning comp. Fr. poison, from Lat. potio, potionem, ‘drink’); even in MidHG. and OHG. gift, f. (always neut. in this sense in ModHG.), Du. gift; in Goth. lubja, ‘poison’ (OHG. luppi, MidHG. lüppe, ‘poison’). The common Aryan term for ‘poison’ (Sans. viša-, Lat. virus, Gr. ίος) has not been preserved in Teut. See verwesen.