An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Wachtel

An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, W (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2506992An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, W — Wachtel1891John Francis Davis

Wachtel, f., ‘quail,’ from the equiv. MidHG. wahtel, OHG. wahtala, f.; corresponding to AS. wyhtel (rare; usually çrschęn). The term looks like a derivative of Wacht (root wak, ‘to be awake’). It is probable, however, that the word has attained its present form by many changes; comp. Du. kwakkel, kwartel, ‘quail’ (phonetically cognate with MidLat. quaccila, Fr. quaille, Ital. quaglia, ‘quail’). The word for ‘quail,’ common to Sans. and Gr. but unknown to Teut., was wortok, wortog; comp. Sans. vartikâ, Gr. ὄρτυξ, ‘quail.’