An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/genießen

An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, G (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2511270An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, G — genießen1891John Francis Davis

genießen, vb., ‘to enjoy, partake of,’ from the equiv. MidHG. genieȥen, OHG. ginioȥan, str. vb., with the variants MidHG. nieȥen, OHG. nioȥan; corresponding to Goth. niutan, ‘to take part in something,’ ganiutan, ‘to catch’ (nuta, ‘captor, fisher’). OIc. njóta, ‘to enjoy, derive joy from, have the use of,’ AS. neótan, ‘to take, use, enjoy,’ Du. genieten, OSax. niotan, ‘to enjoy.’ The primary meaning of the Teut. root nut, found in str. verbs, was ‘to get something for one's own use,’ then ‘to use or enjoy something, have the use of.’ See Nuß, Nießnutz. Akin to the primit. allied Lith. naudà, ‘use, produce,’ pa-nústu, -nūdau, -nūsti, ‘to long, yearn for.’ —