3616091Anecdotes of Great Musicians — 199.—The Devil on Two SticksWilley Francis Gates


The following story of Haydn rests on a rather insecure foundation for truthfulness; but we give it for what it is worth.

There was, in Vienna, an actor named Kurtz. This man, wanting the music arranged for a certain farce or light opera, called on Haydn to see if he could do the work satisfactorily. Haydn declined the commission. But Kurtz insisted that he should try. Said he, "Sit down at the piano and play an accompaniment to my actions." Then Kurtz imitated the motions of a swimmer, throwing himself on a chair for support; suddenly he called out, "I am sinking! save me! I shall be drowned!" Meanwhile Haydn played music fitting to the situation and delighted the comic actor with the result. At last Haydn consented to write out the music he had played and set it to the opera. This was the origin of "The Devil on Two Sticks."