Ante-Nicene Fathers/Volume IX/Origen on John/Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John/Book II/Chapter 28

Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. IX, Origen on John, Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book II
by Origen, translated by Allan Menzies
Chapter 28
161378Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. IX, Origen on John, Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book II — Chapter 28Allan MenziesOrigen

28.  The Prophets Bore Witness to Christ and Foretold Many Things Concerning Him.

“He came for a witness that He might bear witness of the light, that all through Him might believe.”[1]  Some of the dissenters from the Church’s doctrine, men who profess to believe in Christ, have desired another being, as indeed their system requires, besides the Creator, and hence cannot allow His coming to the world to have been foretold by the prophets.[2]  They therefore endeavour to get rid of the testimonies of the prophets about Christ, and say that the Son of God has no need of witnesses, but that He brings with Him His own evidence, partly in the sound words full of power which He proclaimed and partly in the wonderful works He did, which were sufficient at once to convince any one whatever.  Then they say:  If Moses is believed on account of his word and his works, and has no need of any witnesses to announce him beforehand, and if the prophets were received, every one of them, by these people, as messengers from God, how should not one who is much greater than Moses and the prophets accomplish His mission and benefit the human race, without prophets to bear witness about Him?  They regard it as superfluous that He should have been foretold by the prophets, since the prophets were concerned, as these opponents would say, that those who believed in Christ should not receive Him as a new God, and therefore did what they could to bring them to that same God whom Moses and the prophets taught before Jesus.  To this we must say that as there are many causes which may lead men to believe, since men who are not moved by one argument may be by another, so God is able to provide for men a number of occasions, any of which may cause their minds to open to the truth that God, who is over all, has taken on Himself human nature.  It is manifest to all, how some are brought by the prophetic writings to the admiration of Christ.  They are astounded at the voices of so many prophets before Him, which establish the place of His birth, the country of His upbringing, the power of His teaching, His working of wonderful works, and His human passion brought to a close by His resurrection.  We must notice, too, that Christ’s stupendous acts of power were able to bring to the faith those of Christ’s own time, but that they lost their demonstrative force with the lapse of years and began to be regarded as mythical.  Greater evidential value than that of the miracles then performed attaches to the comparison which we now make between these miracles and the prophecy of them; this makes it impossible for the student to cast any doubt on the former.  The prophetic testimonies do not declare merely the advent of the Messiah; it is by no means the case that they teach this and nothing else.  They teach a great deal of theology.  The relation of the Father to the Son and of the Son to the Father may be learned not less from what the prophets announce about Christ, than from the Apostles narrating the splendours of the Son of God.  A parallel case, which we may venture to adduce, is that of the martyrs, who were honoured by the witness they bore Him, and by no means conferred any favour on Him by their witnessing for the Son of God.  And how is it if, as many of Christ’s true disciples were honoured by having thus to witness for Him, so the prophets received from God as their special gift that of understanding about Christ and announcing Him before, and that they taught not only those living after Christ’s advent how they should regard the Son of God, but those also who lived in the generations before Him?  As he who in these times does not know the Son has not the Father either,[3] so also we are to understand it was in these earlier times.  Hence “Abraham rejoiced to see the day of Christ, and he saw it and was glad.”[4]  He, therefore, who declares that they are not to testify about Christ is seeking to deprive the chorus of the prophets of the greatest gift they have; for what office of equal importance would be left to prophecy, inspired as it is by the Holy Spirit, if all connection with the economy of our Lord and Master were taken away from it?  For as these have their faith well ordered who approach the God of the universe through Mediator and High-Priest and Paraclete, and as his religion is a halting one who does not go in through the door to the Father, so also in the case of men of old time.  Their religion was sanctified and made acceptable to God by their knowledge and faith and expectation of Christ.  For we have observed that God declares Himself to be a witness and exhorts them all to declare the same about Christ, and to be imitators of Him, bearing witness of Him to all who require it.  For he says,[5] “Be witnesses for Me, and I am witness, saith the Lord God, and My servant whom I have chosen.”  Now every one who bears witness to the truth, whether he support it by words or deeds, or in whatever way, may properly be called a witness (martyr); but it has come to be the custom of the brotherhood, since they are struck with admiration of those who have contended to the death for truth and valour, to keep the name of martyr more properly for those who have borne witness to the mystery of godliness by shedding their blood for it.  The Saviour gives the name of martyr to every one who bears witness to the truth He declares; thus at the Ascension He says to His disciples:[6]  “You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in Judæa and in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.”  The leper who was cleansed[7] had still to bring the gift which Moses commanded for a testimony to those who did not believe in the Christ.  In the same way the martyrs bear witness for a testimony to the unbelieving, and so do all the saints whose deeds shine before men.  They spend their life rejoicing in the cross of Christ and bearing witness to the true light.


  1. John i. 7.
  2. The Old Testament belongs to the Creator, the Demiurge.
  3. 1 John ii. 23.
  4. John viii. 56.
  5. Isa. xliii. 10.
  6. Acts i. 8.
  7. Matt. viii. 4.