Ante-Nicene Fathers/Volume IX/Origen on Matthew/Origen's Commentary on Matthew/Book XIII/Chapter 8

Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. IX, Origen on Matthew, Origen's Commentary on Matthew, Book XIII
by Origen, translated by John Patrick
Chapter 8
161560Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. IX, Origen on Matthew, Origen's Commentary on Matthew, Book XIII — Chapter 8John PatrickOrigen

8.  Jesus’ Prediction of His “Delivery” Into the Hands of Men.

And while they abode in Galilee, Jesus said unto them, The Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men.[1]  And these things will appear to be of the same effect as those, “that Jesus began to show unto His disciples that He must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes.”[2]  But it is not so; for it is not the same thing “to show unto the disciples that He must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes,” and, after suffering, “be killed,” and, after being killed, “be raised up on the third day,” as that which was said to them, when they were in Galilee,—which we did not learn before,—that the Son of man “would be delivered up;” for the being delivered up was not mentioned above, but now also it is said that “He is to be delivered up into the hands of men.”[3]  As for these matters let us inquire by what person or persons He will be delivered up into the hands of men; for there we are taught of whom He will suffer, and in what place He will suffer; but here, in addition, we learn that while His suffering many things takes place at the hands of the aforesaid, they are not the prime causes of His suffering many things, but the one or ones who delivered Him up into the hands of men.  For some one will say that the Apostle, interpreting this, says with reference to God, “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all;”[4] but the Son also gave Himself to death for us, so that He was delivered up, not only by the Father but also by Himself.  But another will say not merely that, but also collecting the passages together, will say that the Son is first delivered up by God,—then about to be tempted, then to be in conflict, then to suffer for men, or even for the whole world that He might take away its sin,[5]—to the prince of this age, and to the rest of its princes, and then by them delivered into the hands of men who would slay Him.  The case of Job will be taken as an illustration.  “Lo, all that is his I give into thy hands, but do not touch him;”[6] thereafter, he was, as it were, delivered up by the devil to his princes, namely, to those who took prisoners of war, to the horsemen, to the fire that came down from heaven, to the great wind that came from the desert and broke up his house.[7]  But you will consider if, as he delivered up the property of Job to those who took them captive, and to the horsemen, so also he delivered them up to a certain power, subordinate to “the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that now worketh in the sons of disobedience,”[8] in order that the fire which descended thence on the sheep of Job might seem to fall from heaven, to the man who announced to Job that “fire fell from heaven, and burned up his sheep, and consumed the shepherds likewise.”[9]  And in the same way you will inquire whether also the sudden mighty wind, that came down from the desert and assailed the four corners of the dwelling, was one of those which are under the devils to whom the devil delivered up the banquet of the sons and daughters of Job, that the house might fall on the children of the just man, and they might die.  Let it be granted, then, that, as in the case of Job, the Father first delivered up the Son to the opposing powers, and that then they delivered Him up into the hands of men, among which men Judas also was, into whom after the sop[10] Satan entered, who delivered Him up in a more authoritative manner than Judas.  But take care lest on comparing together the delivering up of the Son by the Father to the opposing powers, with the delivering up of the Saviour by them into the hands of men, you should think that what is called the delivering up is the same in the case of both.  For understand that the Father in His love of men delivered Him up for us all; but the opposing powers, when they delivered up the Saviour into the hands of men, did not intend to deliver Him up for the salvation of some, but, as far as in them lay, since none of them knew “the wisdom of God which was hidden in a mystery,”[11] they gave Him up to be put to death, that His enemy death might receive Him under its subjection, like those who die in Adam;[12] and also the men who slew Him did so, as they were moulded after the will of those who wished indeed that Jesus should become subject to death.  I have deemed it necessary also to examine into these things, because that when Jesus was delivered up into the hands of men, He was not delivered up by men into the hands of men, but by powers to whom the Father delivered up His Son for us all, and in the very act of His being delivered up, and coming under the power of those to whom He was delivered up, destroying him that has the power of death; for “through death He brought to nought him that hath the power of death, that is, the devil, and delivered all them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.”[13]


  1. Matt. xvii. 22.
  2. Matt. xvi. 21.
  3. Matt. xvii. 22.
  4. Rom. viii. 32.
  5. John i. 29.
  6. Job i. 12.
  7. Job i. 15–19.
  8. Eph. ii. 2.
  9. Job i. 16.
  10. John xiii. 27.
  11. 1 Cor. ii. 7, 8.
  12. 1 Cor. xv. 22.
  13. Heb. ii. 14, 15.