Ante-Nicene Fathers/Volume VI/Archelaus/Acts of Disputation/Chapter LIII

Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VI, Acts of Disputation
by Archelaus, translated by Stewart Dingwall Fordyce Salmond
Chapter LIII
158437Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VI, Acts of Disputation — Chapter LIIIStewart Dingwall Fordyce SalmondArchelaus

53. After this event all the effects which he had brought with him from Egypt remained in her possession. And she rejoiced greatly over his death, and that for two reasons: first, because she did not regard his arts with satisfaction; and secondly, because she had obtained such an inheritance, for it was one of great value.[1] But as she was all alone, she bethought herself of having some one to attend her; and she got for that purpose a boy of about seven years of age, named Corbicius,[2] to whom she at once gave his freedom, and whom she also instructed in letters. When this boy had reached his twelfth year the old woman died, and left to him all her possessions, and among other things those four books which Scythianus had written, each of them consisting of a moderate number of lines.[3] When his mistress was once buried, Corbicius began to make his own use of all the property that had been left him. Abandoning the old locality, he took up his abode in the middle of the city, where the king of Persia had his residence; and there altering his name, he called himself Manes instead of Corbicius, or, to speak more correctly, not Manes, but Mani:[4] for that is the kind of inflection employed in the Persian language. Now, when this boy had grown to be a man of well-nigh sixty years of age,[5] he had acquired great erudition in all the branches of learning taught in those parts, and I might almost say that in these he surpassed all others. Nevertheless he had been a still more diligent student of the doctrines contained in these four books; and he had also gained three disciples, whose names were Thomas, Addas, and Hermas. Then, too, he took these books, and transcribed[6] them in such wise that he introduced into them much new matter which was simply his own, and which can be likened only to old wives’ fables. Those three disciples, then, he thus had attached to him as conscious participants in his evil counsels; and he gave, moreover, his own name to the books, and deleted the name of their former owner, as if he had composed them all by himself. Then it seemed good to him to send his disciples, with the doctrines which he had committed to writing in the books, into the upper districts of that province, and through various cities and villages, with the view of securing followers. Thomas accordingly determined to take possession of the regions of Egypt, and Addas those of Scythia, while Hermas alone chose to remain with the man himself. When these, then, had set out on their course, the king’s son was seized with a certain sickness; and as the king was very anxious to see him cured, he published a decree offering a large reward, and engaging to bestow it upon any one who should prove himself capable of restoring the prince.[7] On the report of this, all at haphazard, like the men who are accustomed to play the game of cubes, which is another name for the dice,[8] Manes presented himself before the king, declaring that he would cure the boy. And when the king heard that, he received him courteously, and welcomed him heartily. But not utterly to weary my hearers with the recital of the many things which he did, let me simply say that the boy died, or rather was bereft of life, in his hands. Then the king ordered Manes to be thrust into prison, and to be loaded with chains of iron weighing half a hundredweight.[9] Moreover, those two disciples of his who had been sent to inculcate his doctrine among the different cities were also sought for with a view to punishment. But they took to flight, without ever ceasing,[10] however, to introduce into the various localities which they visited that teaching of theirs which is so alien to the faith, and which has been inspired only by Antichrist.


  1. But the Codex Reg. Alex. Vat. reads, “erat enim multum pecuniæ arida”—for she had a great greed for money.
  2. But Cyril, Epiphanius, and others, make the name Cubricus (Κούβρικος).
  3. Versuum.
  4. This may express with sufficient nearness the original, “nec Manem sed Manes.”
  5. The Codex Casinensis gives sexaginta regularly. The Codex Reg. Alex. Vat. reads septuaginta, seventy.
  6. Transfert eos. It may be also “translated them.”
  7. The text gives, “edictum proposuit in vita,” etc. For in vita it is proposed to read invitans; and that is confirmed by the Codex Reg. Alex. Vat.
  8. We adopt the reading “qui cubum, quod nomen est tali, ludere solent.” The text gives, “qui cibum quod nomen est tale eludere solent.” The Codex Reg. Alex. Vat. seems to read, “qui cubum quod nomen est aleæ ludere solent.”
  9. Ferri talento.
  10. The text gives, “quique fugientes licet nunquam cessarunt,” etc. Codex Reg. Alex. Vat has, “licet nunquam cessarent” etc.