Ante-Nicene Fathers/Volume VI/Arnobius/Adversus Gentes/Book VII/Chapter XLII

Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VI, Adversus Gentes, Book VII
by Arnobius, translated by Hamilton Bryce and Hugh Campbell
Chapter XLII
159017Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VI, Adversus Gentes, Book VII — Chapter XLIIHamilton Bryce and Hugh CampbellArnobius

42.[1] And what pollution or abomination could have flowed from this, either to make the circus less pure, or to defile Jupiter, seeing that in a few moments, in a few seconds, he beheld so many thousands throughout the world perish by different kinds of death, and with various forms of torture? He was led across, says my opponent, before the games began to be celebrated. If from a sacrilegious spirit and contempt[2] for religion, we have reason to excuse Jupiter for being indignant that he was contemned, and that more anxious care was not given to his games. But if from mistake or accident that secret fault was not observed and known, would it not have beer right and befitting Jupiter to pardon human failings, and grant forgiveness to the blindness of ignorance? But it was necessary that it should be punished. And after this, will any one believe that he was a god who avenged and punished neglect of a childish show by the destruction of a state? that he had any seriousness and dignity, or any steady constancy, who, that he might speedily enjoy pleasure afresh, turned the air men breathed[3] into a baneful poison, and ordered the destruction of mortals by plague and pestilence? If the magistrate who presided over the games was too careless in learning who on that day had been led across the circus, and blame was therefore contracted, what had the unhappy people done that they should in their own persons suffer the penalty of another’s offences, and should be forced to hurry out of life by contagious pestilences? Nay, what had the women, whose weakness did not allow them to take part in public business, the grown-up[4] maidens, the little boys, finally the young children, yet dependent for food on their nurses,—what had these done that they should be assailed with equal, with the same severity, and that before they tasted the joy of life[5] they should feel the bitterness of death?


  1. 39 in Orelli.
  2. So all edd., rejecting s from ms. contemptu-s.
  3. Lit., “draughts of air.”
  4. So, by omitting two letters, all edd. except 1st and Ursinus, which retain ms. adult-er-ae—“adulterous.”
  5. Lit., “light.”