Ante-Nicene Fathers/Volume VI/Dionysius/Extant Fragments/Containing Various Sections of the Works/The Epistle to Bishop Basilides/Canon II

Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VI, Extant Fragments, Containing Various Sections of the Works, The Epistle to Bishop Basilides
Dionysius, translated by Stewart Dingwall Fordyce Salmond
Canon II
158243Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VI, Extant Fragments, Containing Various Sections of the Works, The Epistle to Bishop Basilides — Canon IIStewart Dingwall Fordyce SalmondDionysius

Canon II.

The question touching women in the time of their separation, whether it is proper for them when in such a condition to enter the house of God, I consider a superfluous inquiry. For I do not think that, if they are believing and pious women, they will themselves be rash enough in such a condition either to approach the holy table or to touch the body and blood of the Lord. Certainly the woman who had the issue of blood of twelve years’ standing did not touch the Lord Himself, but only the hem of His garment, with a view to her cure.[1] For to pray, however a person may be situated, and to remember the Lord, in whatever condition a person may be, and to offer up petitions for the obtaining of help, are exercises altogether blameless. But the individual who is not perfectly pure both in soul and in body, shall be interdicted from approaching the holy of holies.


  1. Matt. ix. 20; Luke viii. 43.