Ante-Nicene Fathers/Volume VI/Gregory Thaumaturgus/Dubious or Spurious Writings/A Sectional Confession of Faith/Same Declaration, Accompanied by Glosses

Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. V, Dubious or Spurious Writings, A Sectional Confession of Faith
by Gregory Thaumaturgus, translated by Stewart Dingwall Fordyce Salmond
Same Declaration, Accompanied by Glosses
158177Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. V, Dubious or Spurious Writings, A Sectional Confession of Faith — Same Declaration, Accompanied by GlossesStewart Dingwall Fordyce SalmondGregory Thaumaturgus

A Fragment of the Same Declaration of Faith, Accompanied by Glosses.[1]—From Gregory Thaumaturgus, as They Say, in His Sectional Confession of Faith.

To maintain two natures[2] in the one Christ, makes a Tetrad of the Trinity, says he; for he expressed himself thus: “And it is the true God, the unincarnate, that was manifested in the flesh, perfect with the true and divine perfection, not with two natures; nor do we speak of worshipping four (persons), viz., God, and the Son of God, and man, and the Holy Spirit.” First, however, this passage is misapprehended, and is of very doubtful import. Nevertheless it bears that we should not speak of two persons in Christ, lest, by thus acknowledging Him as God, and as in the perfect divinity, and yet speaking of two persons, we should make a Tetrad of the divine persons, counting that of God the Father as one, and that of the Son of God as one, and that of the man as one, and that of the Holy Spirit as one. But, again, it bears also against recognising two divine natures,[3] and rather for acknowledging Him to be perfect God in one natural divine perfection, and not in two; for his object is to show that He became incarnate without change, and that He retains the divinity without duplication.[4] Accordingly he says shortly: “And while the affections of the flesh spring, the energy[5] retains the impassibility proper to it. He, therefore, who introduces the (idea of) passion into the energy is impious; for it was the Lord of glory that appeared in human form, having taken to Himself the human economy.”


  1. From the book against the Monophysites by Leontius of Jerusalem, in Mai, Script. Vet., vol. vii. p. 147.
  2. φύσεις.
  3. φύσεις.
  4. ἀδιπλασιάστως.
  5. δύναμις.