Ante-Nicene Fathers/Volume VII/The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles/Introductory Notice by Professor M. B. Riddle, D.D/Section 1

159447Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VII, Introductory Notice — Section 1Matthew Brown Riddle

section 1.—the discovery of the codex, and its contents.

In 1873 Philotheos Bryennios, then Head Master of the higher Greek school at Constantinople, but now Metropolitan of Nicomedia, discovered a remarkable collection of manuscripts in the library of the Jerusalem Monastery of the Most Holy Sepulchre at Constantinople. This collection is bound in one volume, and written by the same hand. It is signed “Leon, notary and sinner,” and bears the Greek date of 6564 = a.d. 1056. There is no reason to doubt the age of the manuscripts. The documents have been examined by Professor Albert L. Long of Robert College, Constantinople;[1] and some of the pages, reproduced by photography, were published by the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, April, 1885. The jealousy of its guardians does not imply any lack of confidence in the age and value of the Codex. The contents of the 120 folios (240 pp.) are as follows:—  

I.   Synopsis of the Old and New Testaments, by St. Chrysostom (fol. 1–32).  
II.   The Epistle of Barnabas (fol. 33–51b).  
III.   The two Epistles of Clement to the Corinthians (fol. 51b-76a).  
IV.   The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (fol. 76a-80).  
V.   The Epistle of Mary of Cassoboli to Ignatius (fol. 81–82a).  
VI.   Twelve Epistles of Ignatius (fol. 82a-120a).  

The last part of fol. 120a contains the signature and date; then follows an account of the genealogy of Joseph, continued on the other page of the leaf.  

Schaff (p. 6) gives a facsimile of fol. 120a.  

Of these, I. supplies some unpublished portions, and furnishes matter for textual criticism. II. gives the second Greek copy of Barnabas, also furnishing new readings. III. is very valuable; the text of both Epistles is now complete. Two-fifths of that of the second was previously unknown.[2] The value for purposes of textual criticism is also great. IV. is the Teaching, the value of which is discussed below. V. and VI. both belong to the Ignatian literature, and furnish new readings, which have already appeared in the editions of Funk (Opera Patr. Apost., ii., Tübingen, 1881) and Lightfoot (Epistles of St. Ignatius, London and Cambridge, 1885).  


  1. See New-York Independent, July 31, 1884.  
  2. See this volume, infra, the Second Epistle of Clement, so called.