Anthology of Japanese Literature/Plan of the Nō Stage

Anthology of Japanese Literature
edited by Donald Keene
Plan of the Nō Stage
4513594Anthology of Japanese Literature — Plan of the Nō Stage

Plan of the Nō Stage

A Main Stage (Butai)
B Rear Stage (Atoza)
C Bridge (Hashigakari)
D Curtain (Maku)
E Mirror Room (Kagami-no-ma)
F Shite’s Pillar (Shite-bashira)
G Facing Pillar (Metsuke-bashira)
H Waki’s Pillar (Waki-bashira)
I Flute Pillar (Fue-bashira)
J Stage Attendant’s Pillar (Kōken-bashira)
K Name-Saying Seat (Nanoriza)
L Kyōgen’s Seat (Kyōgen-za)
M Chorus (Ji-utai)
N Drummer (Taiko-kata)
O Drummers (Tsuzumi-kata)
P Flute Player (Fue-kata)
Q Pine Trees (Matsu-no-ki)
R Hurry Door (Kirido-guchi)
S Steps to Audience (Shirasu-bashigo)
  • Shite: the protagonist, who usually makes two appearances, often the second time as a ghost.
  • Waki: the deuteragonist, often an itinerant monk.
  • Tsure: a companion of either the shite or waki.