Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Bessey, Charles Edwin

Edition of 1891. This article does not appear in the 1900 edition, its space being taken by that for an extension of the article on Emil Bessels.

614505Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Bessey, Charles Edwin

BESSEY, Charles Edwin, botanist, b. in Milton, Wayne co., Ohio, 21 May, 1845. He took a scientific course in Michigan agricultural college, where he was graduated in 1869, and afterward studied at Harvard. He was professor of botany in Iowa agricultural college from 1870 till 1884, when he accepted the professorship of botany and horticulture in the university of Nebraska. He became editor of the botanical department of the “American Naturalist” in 1881, and has published “Geography of Iowa” (Cincinnati, 1878); “Botany for High Schools and Colleges” (New York, 1880); a revision of McNab's Botany (1881), and “The Essentials of Botany” (1884).