Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Choisi, Claude Gabriel de

Edition of 1900.

626124Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Choisi, Claude Gabriel de

CHOISI, Claude Gabriel de, French soldier, d. about 1795. He entered the army as a common soldier, 16 June, 1741, and became an officer by merit. He followed Baron Viomenil to Poland, where he greatly distinguished himself by his defence of the castle of Cracow, early in 1772. He accompanied Rochambeau and Viomenil to this country in 1780, where at the siege of Yorktown, in October, 1781, he commanded a brigade with which he invested Gloucester, Va., and on 3 Oct., with Lauzun's cavalry, attacked and defeated Tarleton's legion. For his attachment to the king, he was imprisoned during the reign of terror, and probably died soon afterward. See “Lettres particulieres du Baron de Viomenil” (Paris, 1808).