Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Davis, Isaac (lawyer)

Edition of 1900.

1471301Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Davis, Isaac (lawyer)

DAVIS, Isaac, lawyer, b. in Northborough, Mass., 2 June, 1799; d. in Worcester, Mass., 1 April, 1883. He was graduated at Brown in 1822, studied law, and began the practice of his profession in Worcester, Mass., where he soon rose to eminence. He was mayor of Worcester for three years, and for eleven years a member of the Massachusetts senate. Mr. Davis was a zealous promoter of popular education. He was chosen a member of the board of trustees of Brown university in 1838, and a fellow in 1851. For forty years he was president of the board of trustees of the Worcester academy, and for some time was an active member of the Massachusetts board of education. He has received the degree of LL. D.