Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Domenech, Miguel

Edition of 1900.

DOMENECH, Miarnel, R. C. bishop, b. in Rios, Spain, in 1816 : d. in Tarragona, Spain, in 1878. He was educated in France by the priests of the congregation of the mission, and after becoming a member of that order came to the United States in 1837, He finished his studies in the theological seminary of The Barrens, Missouri, was admitted to the i^riesthood in 1839, and became a professor in St. Mary's college. In 1842 he founded St. Vincent's male academy at Cape Girardeau, and was subsequently a missionary in the state of Mis- souri. He was sent to Pennsylvania in 1845, and performed pastoral duties in Nicetown. His next mission was in Germantown, where he erected the church of St. Vincent de Paul. He was conse- crated bishop of Pittsburgh in 1860, and during his administration erected several churches and schools. The diocese of Pittsburgh was considered too large for a single bishop, and in 1875 a portion , of it was formed into the see of Allegheny, to which Bishop Domeneeh was transferred in 1876. This division gave rise to dissensions and diffieiil- ties, and, in order to bring all questions to a decis- ion, he went to Rome in 1877. He resigned his see the same year.