Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Doolittle, Mary Antoinette

Edition of 1900.

1678046Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Doolittle, Mary Antoinette

DOOLITTLE, Mary Antoinette, lecturer, b. in New Lebanon. N. Y., 8 Sept., 1810; d. in Mt. Lebanon, Columbia co., N. Y., 31 Dec, 1880. She was graduated in New Lebanon in 1825. She became a member of the Shaker society in 1824, a deaconess in a Shaker community in 1826, and was an eldress from 1828. Her lectures on religious subjects, which were delivered in various cities in the United States, attracted much attention. In 1873-'5 she edited, with Frederick W. Evans, the “Shaker and Shakeress,” a periodical published at Mt. Lebanon college, and is author of an “Autobiography” (1880), and of a series of remarkable inspirational songs.