Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Ebeling, Christoph Daniel

Edition of 1900.

1217329Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Ebeling, Christoph Daniel

EBELING, Christoph Daniel, German scholar, b. near Hildesheim, Hanover, in 1741; d. in Hamburg, 30 June, 1817. He studied theology at Göttingen, but devoted himself to geographical studies, and held for thirty-three years the chair of history and Greek in the Hamburg gymnasium. He was also superintendent of the Hamburg library, and collected about 10,000 maps and nearly 4,000 books relating to America. His collection was bought by Israel Thorndike in the year after Ebeling's death, and given by him to Harvard. Ebeling's great work was a “Geography and History of North America” (5 vols., Hamburg, 1796-1816), forming a continuation of Büsching's “General Geography.” He received a vote of thanks from the congress of the United States for this work.