Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Embury, Emma Catherine

Edition of 1900.

555343Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Embury, Emma Catherine

EMBURY, Emma Catherine, author, b. in New York city in 1806; d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 10 Feb., 1863. She was the daughter of Dr. James R. Manley of New York city, and in 1828 became the wife of Daniel Embury, afterward president of the Atlantic bank of Brooklyn. From girlhood to the time of her death she was a frequent contributor to various periodicals, in many of them over the pen-name “Ianthe.” Her printed volumes include “Guide and other Poems” (New York, 1828); “Female Education”; “The Blind Girl and other Tales”; “Glimpses of Home Life”; “Token of Flowers”; “Pictures of Early Life”; “Nature's Gems, or American Wild Flowers” (1845); “Love's Token Flowers” (1846); “The Waldorf Family, a Grandfather's Legend” (1848); “Poems” (1869).