Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Foltz, Jonathan Messersmith

Edition of 1900.

1292775Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Foltz, Jonathan Messersmith

FOLTZ, Jonathan Messersmith, surgeon, b. in Lancaster, Pa., 25 April, 1810; d. in Philadelphia, Pa., 12 April, 1877. He entered the U. S. navy as assistant surgeon, 4 April, 1831, and landed with the storming party at Qualah Battoo, Sumatra, being specially commended in Capt. Shubrick's official dispatch. He was made surgeon, 8 Dec., 1838, and was attached to the frigate “Raritan,” of the Brazil squadron, in 1844-'7, and to the “Jamestown,” of the same squadron, in 1851-'4. He was fleet-surgeon of the Western Gulf squadron in 1862-'3, and was with Farragut on the “Hartford” in all his battles during those years. He occupied the same place on the “Franklin” during Farragut's voyage to Europe in 1867-'8, and in 1870-'1 was president of the naval medical board. He became medical director on 3 March, 1871, and chief of the bureau of medicine and surgery, with the rank of commodore, on 25 Oct. of that year. He was placed on the retired list, 25 April, 1872. Dr. Foltz published “Endemic Influence of an Evil Government” (New York, 1843).