Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Fox, Charles James

Edition of 1900.

2417356Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Fox, Charles James

FOX, Charles James, lawyer, b. in Antrim, N. H., 11 Oct., 1811; d. in Nashville, N. H., 17 Feb., 1846. He was graduated at Dartmouth in 1831, studied law, and in 1884 formed a partnership with Daniel Abbot, of Nashua, N. H., which was continued through his life. He was county solicitor in 1835-'44, a member of the commission to revise the New Hampshire statutes in 1841-'2, travelled in Egypt in 1843, and in the West Indies the following year. With the Rev. Samuel Osgood he compiled "The New Hampshire Book, Specimens of its Literature" (Nashua, 1842). He was the author of "History of Dunstable" (1840), and the "Town Officer" (Concord, 1843).