Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Gescheidt, Louis Anthony

Edition of 1900.

613531Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Gescheidt, Louis Anthony

GESCHEIDT, Louis Anthony, physician, b. in Dresden, Germany, 19 Feb., 1808; d. in Hastings, N. Y., 20 Aug., 1876. He was educated at the Karl-Schule in Dresden, and was designed for the church, but, displaying great talent for natural science, was sent to Dresden university, and afterward to the University of Leipsic. On his return to Dresden he became the assistant of Dr. A. Carus, the physiologist, and Dr. F. A. Von Ammen, the oculist, and during the cholera epidemic in Berlin was sent by the Dresden municipality to investigate the nature of the disease. He came to this country in 1835, and settled in New York, where he became prominent in his profession, and in 1870 retired with a fortune. He published a work on “Diseases of the Eye” (Dresden).