Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Harris, William Torrey

Edition of 1900.

571741Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Harris, William Torrey

HARRIS, William Torrey, educator, b. in North Killingly, Conn., 10 Sept., 1835. He was educated at Phillips Andover academy, and at Yale, where in 1869 he received the honorary degree of A. M. In 1868-'80 he was superintendent of public schools in St. Louis, in 1866 founded the philosophical society of St. Louis, and the next year founded and edited the “Journal of Speculative Philosophy,” the first of its character ever published in the United States. He was president of the National educational association in 1875, and represented the U. S. bureau of education at the International congress of educators at Brussels in 1880. Since 1884 he has been president of the Boston school-master's club, and is an active member of the Concord school of philosophy. Mr. Harris contributes constantly to magazines on art, education, and philosophy, has translated extensively from German and Italian thinkers of the advanced school, and published twelve “Annual Reports” on the St. Louis schools (St. Louis, 1869-'81); and a “Statement of American Education” (which was used at the World's expositions at Vienna and Paris); and edits “Appletons' International Educational Series.”