Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Hoar, Jonathan

Edition of 1892.

HOAR, Jonathan, soldier, b. in Concord, Mass., about 1720; d. at sea in 1771. He was the son of Lieut. Daniel Hoar, of Concord, Mass., was graduated at Harvard in 1740, and served as a lieutenant in Waldo's regiment at the capture of Louisburg in 1745. He was present at the second capture of Louisburg in 1758, was promoted lieutenant-colonel for his services on that occasion, and was afterward a member of the provisional assembly of Nova Scotia. He commanded a regiment under Prideaux in the expedition against Niagara in 1759, and in 1769 was appointed governor of Newfoundland and the adjacent provinces. He died while on his way from London to New York.