Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Jacobson, John Christian

Edition of 1892.

1436838Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Jacobson, John Christian

JACOBSON, John Christian, Moravian bishop, b. in Burkall, Denmark, 8 April, 1795; d. in Bethlehem, Pa., 24 Nov., 1870. He was educated at the college and the theological seminary of the Moravian church in Germany. In 1816 he came to the United States, and filled various offices until 1834, when he was appointed principal of the female academy at Salem, N. C. He met with great success, building up that school until it became one of the best known and most prosperous girls' schools in the south. Subsequently he took charge of the boys' boarding-school at Nazareth, Pa. On 20 Sept., 1854, he was consecrated to the episcopacy, and stood at the head of the northern district of the church until 1867, when he retired.