Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Knortz, Karl

Edition of 1892.

KNORTZ, Karl, author, b. in Garbenheim, Rhenish Prussia, 28 Aug., 1841. He was educated at the gymnasium of Wetzlau, and Heidelberg university, and came in 1863 to this country, where he engaged in teaching at Detroit in 1864-'8, at Oshkosh, Wis., in 1868-71, and in Cincinnati in 1871-'4. He then edited a German daily newspaper at Indianapolis, but since 1882 has resided in New York city, where he has devoted himself to literature. Mr. Knortz has done much to make American literature known and appreciated in his native country. He has published, besides translations of American poetry, “Märchen und Sagen der nordamerikanischen Indianer” (Jena, 1871); “Amerikanische Skizzen” (Halle, 1876); “American Shakespeare Bibliography” (Boston, 1876); “Humoristische Gedichte” (Baltimore, 1877); “Longfellow: Eine literarhistorische Studie” (Hamburg, 1879); “Aus dem Wigwam” (Leipsic, 1880); “Kapital und Arbeit in Amerika” (Zurich, 1881); “Aus der transatlantischen Gesellschaft” (Leipsic, 1882); “Staat und Kirche in Amerika” (Gotha, 1882); “Shakespeare in Amerika” (Berlin, 1882); “Amerikanische Lebensbilder” (Zurich, 1884); “Eines deutschen Matrosen Nordpolfahrten” (1885); “Representative German Poems,” with translations (New York, 1885); “Göthe und die Wertherzeit” (Zurich, 1885); “Brook Farm und Margareth Fuller” (New York, 1886); and “Gustav Seyffarth” (1886).