Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Krimmel, John Lewis

Edition of 1892.

571745Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Krimmel, John Lewis

KRIMMEL, John Lewis, artist, b. in Ebingen, Würtemberg, Germany, in 1787; d. near Germantown, Pa., 15 July, 1821. He came to Philadelphia in 1810 to engage in business with his brother, but soon abandoned this occupation for art. He began by painting portraits, but, a copy of Wilkie's “Blind Fiddler” falling in his way, his attention was turned to humorous subjects. He also painted historical pictures, and at the time of his death — by drowning — he had received a commission to paint a large canvas on the landing of William Penn. Mr. Krimmel was president of the Society of American artists. Among his works are “The Pepper-Pot Woman,” “The Cut Finger,” “Blindman's Bluff,” “Election Day,” “The Fourth of July at Old Centre Square,” “Going to and Returning from Boarding-School,” “The Country Wedding,” and “Perry's Victory.”