Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Kunz, George Frederick

Edition of 1892.

560201Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Kunz, George Frederick

KUNZ, George Frederick (koonts), mineralogist, b. in New York city, 29 Sept., 1856. He was educated at public schools and at the Cooper institute in New York. His fondness for mineralogy early asserted itself, and he was led to make expeditions in search of specimens. When a sufficient variety was accumulated, he would dispose of them as collections to colleges and other institutions of learning. In connection with this work he became familiar with gems, and was invited to fill the office of gem expert to the firm of Tiffany and Co., New York. At present (1887) he is the best-known specialist on this subject in the United States, and matters of importance are submitted to his judgment from all parts of the country. He is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science, and a member of the New York academy of science, and other scientific bodies. Mr. Kunz has contributed papers to scientific journals and to the popular magazines. He is a specialist on the staff of the “Century Dictionary,” and is the author of “Reports on Gems” in the annual volumes of “Mineral Resources of the United States” (Washington, 1884-'7). He has now in preparation books on “Gems” and “Pearls.”