Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Noyes, Eli

Edition of 1900.

NOYES, Eli, missionary, b. in Jefferson, Me., 27 April, 1814; d. in Lafayette, Ind., 10 Sept., 1854. He was self-educated, began preaching in 1834, and in the next year, accompanied by his wife, sailed as a missionary of the Free-Will Baptist church to India. On his arrival he took charge of the mission at Orissa, was successful as a teacher and evangelist, became a skilled linguist, and published a Hebrew grammar. He returned to the United States on account of the failure of his health, was for some time a pastor in Boston, Mass., and edited "The Morning Star," a Free-Will Baptist journal. He delivered and subsequently published " Lectures on the Truths of the Bible" (Boston, 1853).