Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Rattray, William Jordan

Edition of 1900.

736728Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Rattray, William Jordan

RATTRAY, William Jordan, Canadian author, b. in London, England, in 1835; d. in Toronto, Canada, 26 Sept., 1883. His father, a Scotchman, came to Canada in 1848, and settled with his family in Toronto. The son was graduated at the University of Toronto in 1858, and afterward was a journalist in that city. Among his writings was a series of articles on the conflict of agnosticism and revealed religion, which presented the orthodox side of the question with great force. He was for many years connected with the Toronto “Mail,” wrote for the “ Canadian Monthly” and other periodicals, and published “The Scot in British North America” (4 vols., Toronto, 1883).