Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Rounds, Sterling Parker

Edition of 1900.

1067656Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Rounds, Sterling Parker

ROUNDS, Sterling Parker, printer, b. in Berkshire, Vt., 27 June, 1828; d. in Omaha, Neb., 17 Dec., 1887. At twelve years of age he removed with his parents to what is now Kenosha, Wis., and soon entered the printing-office of the “Southport American.” He became in 1845 foreman in the state printing-office at Madison, afterward was in printing-offices at Milwaukee, Racine, and Buffalo, and migrated to Chicago in 1851. Here he engaged in the printing business, and soon afterward opened a printers' warehouse, in which was kept in stock everything that was needed in the trade. In 1856 the business was extended by the addition of the printers' electrotype-foundry, and the first number of “Rounds's Printers' Cabinet,” still in existence, was issued. Extending his business still further, he engaged in the manufacture of printing-presses, the first that were made in the northwest. Mr. Rounds was appointed public printer in 1881; but he removed to Omaha in 1885 and was identified with the “Republican” till his death.