Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Shattuck, Lemuel

Edition of 1900.

SHATTUCK, Lemuel, author, b. in Ashby, Mass., 15 Oct., 1793; d. in Boston, 17 Jan., 1859. He taught in various places, and was a merchant in Concord, Mass., from 1823 till 1833. He was afterward a bookseller and publisher in Boston, a member of the common council of that city, and for several years a representative in the legislature. In 1844 he was one of the founders of the New England historic-genealogical society, and he was its vice-president for five years. He was also a member of various similar societies. He published “History of Concord, Mass.” (Boston, 1835); “Vital Statistics of Boston” (1841); “The Census of Boston” (1845); “Report on the Sanitary Condition of Massachusetts” (1850); and “Memorials of the Descendants of William Shattuck” (1855).