Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Stoeckel, Gustave Jacob

Edition of 1900.

1314827Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Stoeckel, Gustave Jacob

STOECKEL, Gustave Jacob, musician, b. in Maikammer, Bavarian Palatinate, Germany, 9 Nov., 1819. He was graduated at the seminary in Kaiserslautern in 1838, pursued a post-graduate course in musical composition under Joseph Krebs, and was a teacher and organist till 1847. He came to this country in that year, and since 1849 has been instructor in music at Yale, and organist of the college chapel. Yale gave him the degree of Mus. D. in 1864. Dr. Stoeckel has published a collection of sacred music for mixed voices (New York, 1868), and “College Hymn-Book” for male voices (1886); besides compositions for the piano, songs, and overtures and symphonies for orchestra. He is also the author of the unpublished operas of “Lichtenstein,” “Mahomet,” “Miles Standish,” and “Miskodeeda.”