Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Tetlepanquetzal

Edition of 1889.

TETLEPANQUETZAL (tet-lay-pan-ket-sal'), Mexican king, d. in 1525. He was the fourth Tecpanec king of Tlacopan, and reigned after 1503 as a tributary of the Mexican emperor Montezuma II., whom he assisted in the first defence of Mexico. Afterward he was one of the principal auxiliaries of Cuauhtemotzin (q. v.), and when the city was finally taken, 13 Aug., 1521, he was made prisoner and tortured, together with the emperor, by the Spaniards that he might reveal the hiding-place of the imperial treasure. When Cortes marched in 1525 to Honduras to subdue the revolt of Cristobal de Olid, he carried the emperor and three kings with him, and, under the pretext that he had discovered a conspiracy, all four were strangled.