Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Vertin, John

Edition of 1889.

VERTIN, John, R. C. bishop, b. in Rudolfswerth, Carniola, 17 July, 1844. He emigrated to the United States in 1863 with his father, and, having resolved to study for the priesthood, entered the theological seminary of St. Francis at Milwaukee, Wis. He was ordained a priest on 31 Aug., 1866, by Bishop Baraga, in Marquette. He was then appointed pastor at Houghton, and in 1871 transferred to Negaunee. He was consecrated bishop of Marquette on 14 Sept., 1879. The diocese has made considerable progress under his administration. It contains 40 priests, 36 churches, 4 chapels, and 68 stations. There are 11 convents, an academy, 10 parochial schools, and 2 orphan asylums. The Catholic population is about 40,000.