
Abbey Hill, at Kirkby in Malhamdale, Yorkshire, buildings at, 404

Aberffraw Abbey, Anglesey, 41

Acta Sanctorum, 55

Acton Turvill Church, Gloucestershire, 37

Addington Church, Kent, 263

Addison's "History of the Knights Templars," 52

Adelina, wife of Roger de Bellmont, 320

Aelfric's translation of the Pentateuch, 27

Aindre, William, 363

Aix la Chapelle, wood carving at, 410

Akerman's "Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes," 417

————— "Coins of the Romans, relating to Britain," 11, 179

————— "Descriptive Catalogue of rare Roman Coins," 11

————— "Numismatic Manual," 11

Albemarle, Earl of, 364

Alcock, Bishop, 250

Alderet, wife of, 320

Alderney, spear-heads found in, 226

Alexander III., Pope, 239

———— III., King of Scotland, 325

Alfred, jewel of, 284

Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, 104, 105

Altars, 190, 191

Ambrosden Church, Oxon, 178

Amiens Cathedral, 238

"Analysis of Gothic Architecture," 291

"Ancient and Modern Architecture, edited by M. Gailhaband," notice of, 184

Ancient Mixed Masonry of Brick and Stone, 307

An Dinas Castle, Cornwall, 310

Angers, 84, 171, 186

——— Cathedral, tombs in, 84

Anglesey, Antiquities of, 40, 118

————— British remains in, 309

Anglo-Norman Chroniclers, 25

Anglo-Saxon Architecture, 24

—————— Barnack, Northamptonshire, 31

—————— Brigstock, Northamptonshire, 31

—————— Corhampton, Hants., 34

—————— Deerhurst, Gloucestershire, 31

—————— Earl's Barton, Northamptonshire, 27

—————— Sompting, Sussex, 26, 27, 34

—————— St. Alban's, Herts, 28

—————— St. Benet's, Cambridge, 30

—————— from illuminated MSS. 24, 27

—————— Churches of Wood, 24

Animals Apocalyptic, 193

Anjou, Map of, 186

——— Geography of, 84

——— Churches of, 186

Anselm, Abp. his dispute with William II., 360

Anstan Church, Yorkshire, 401

Anthony Church, Cornwall, brass in, 165

——— St., order of, 51

Antiquaries, London Society of, 1, 2, 3, 29

————— Scotch Society of, 352

Antiquities of Channel Islands, 142, 222

Antoninus, Itinerary of, 418

———— Pius, coin of, 181

Antwerp citadel, 99

Apocalypsis Goliæ Episcopi, 48

Apostles, emblems of, 63

Aqueduct, preservation of, 83, 189

Archæologia, 32, 116, 117, 208

Archæological Publications, 85, 194, 292

—————— Works preparing for publication, 88, 195, 295

Archæology, professorships of, 83, 192

Arches, Anglo-Saxon, 28, 30, 31

Architecture, Military, 93

——————— Domestic, 212, 301

——————— Ecclesiastical of Paris, 237, 336

——————— English in France, 188

"——————— Ancient and Modern," notice of, 184

"——————— Gothic," notice of, 284

"Architectural Ornaments of Byzantine and Gothic style," notice of, 407

Arundel, Margaret, brass of, 165

Arundelian Marbles, Oxford, 33

Athens Cathedral, 185

Attelathe, Alderman, brass of, 202, 208

Aureole, forms of, 76, 77

Autun Church, 193

Auvergne, Churches of, 187

Avenbury, Herefordshire, incised slab at, 210

Avranches, 191

Aymestrey Church, Hereford, 234


Bacon family, brass of, 203

Bacton, Herefordshire, embroidery at, 329

Bakewell, Derbyshire, grave-slabs at, 156; chalice, &c., 158, 270

Bamberg Cathedral, 409

Bamborough Castle, Northumberland, 96

Bauduri's "Coins of the Romans, from Trajanus Decius, &c." 11

Barfreston Church, Kent, 278

Barnack Church, Northamptonshire, 31

Barnwell Castle, Northamptonshire, 368

Barrows, 156, 166, 167, 247, 249, 252, 253, 262, 270, 271, 379, 412

Bartlow, Essex, antiquities found at, 159, 160, 161

Basilius, coin of, 132

Bas-reliefs, 188, 193

Bath Abbey, embroidery at, 330

Beauchamp, Richard, Earl of Warwick, 287

Beaugeucy Castle, 96

Beaumarais Castle, Anglesey, 41, 102

————— Church, 121, 127, 128

Beauvais, painted glass at, 170

Beckbury, Shropshire, incised slab at, 210

Bedford Castle, 99

Beer Ferrers Church, Devon, incised slabs &c. at, 398

Beeston Priory, Norfolk, figure and inscription at, 163

Begbroke Church, Oxon, 177

Bell-Turrets, 36

——————— Skelton, Yorkshire, 36

——————— Binsey, Oxon, 36

——————— Harescomb, Gloucestershire, 36

——————— Acton Turvill, Gloucestershire, 37

Bell-Turrets, Leigh Delamere, Wilts, 37

——————— Northborough, Lincolnshire, 36

——————— Corston, Wilts, 38

Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, Stanton tower at, 94

Benefield, manor of, 368

Benevento, arch of Trajan at, 185

Beowulf, poem of, 12

Berkhampstead Castle, Herts, 99, 104

Bernaldby Moor, Yorkshire, barrows at, 412

Bernardins, Convent of, Paris, 339

Bernard's Castle, Durham, 102

Berwick Castle, Northumberland, 382

Bestiary of P. de Thaun, 175, 176

Bethersden, Kent, celt found at, 404

Bevis of Hampton, romance of, 306

Bibliothèque Royale at Paris, 46

Bicester Church, Oxon, 177

Bighton, Hants, Roman remains at, 387

Binsey Church, Oxon, 36

Bitton, near Bath, incised tomb at, 93, 210

Black Ladies, Nunnery, at Brewood, Staffordshire, 328

Blaton, John, 322

Blithfleld, Staffordshire, incised slab at, 210

Blockhouses, erected by Henry VIII., 106

Bloxam, M. H., on Ancient Masonry, 307

Bodleian Library, Oxford, drawings by Gough in, 200, 211

Bologna, St. Mary's Church at, 52

Bolton Castle, Yorkshire, 105

——— Hall, Yorkshire, 290

Bonchurch, Isle of Wight, urns discovered at, 68

Bonn Cathedral, 186

Bosbury, Herefordshire, Preceptory at, 265

Boulogne Museum, stone Capitals in, 163

Bourg Argental Church, doorway at, 193

"Bourges, Painted Glass at," notice of, 169, 170, 239

Bourne Park, Canterbury, barrows in, 253, 380

Bowes Castle, keep at, 94

Boyle, Richard, Earl of Cork, 278

Brading, Isle of Wight, incised slab at, 210

Bramdean, Hants, tesselated pavement found at, 388

Brasses sepulchral, 197

———————— at Cowthorpe, Yorkshire, 69

———————— at Playthorp, Suffolk, 70

———————— at Lynn, Norfolk, 201

———————— at Gorleston, Suffolk, 203

———————— at Rochester, 270

———————— at Coleshill, Warwickshire,389

———————— at Cirencester, 322

———————— at Calbourne, Isle of Wight,391

———————— at Hastings, 391

———————— rubbings of, 201, 202; paper used for, 207

Brauncepath, William, 376

Braunche, Robert, brass of, 207

Breach downs, Kent, barrows at, 271

Brecknock, Wales, carved stone near, 185

Breteske, bertesce, represented, 304, 306

Bretteville, Celtic gallery at, 191

Breviary, 54, 56

Brian Rocliff, brass of, at Cowthorpe, Yorkshire, 69

Bridgend Castle, Lincolnshire, 98

Bridgnorth Castle, Salop, 98

Brighton, Sussex, Block-house at, 106

Brigitock, manor of, 363, 375

———— Church, Northamptonshire, 31

Bristol, Bower walls, 93

——— Castle, 98

——— St. Stephen's Church, monument in, 260

British Archæological Association, Proceedings of, 67, 156, 246, 267, 379

—————————————————— Suggestions for extending, 297

British Museum, MSS. in, 27, 35, 48, 64, 152, 301

"Britton's Essay on Topographical Literature," notice of, 413

Brixworth Church, Northamptonshire, 314

Broadstairs, Kent, coins found at, 163

Bromet, W., Account of "Séances générales de la Société Francaise," 81, 186

Brothers of the Order of Charity, at Paris, 343

Brough Castle, Westmoreland, 98

Brougham Castle, Westmoreland, 98

Broxbourne, Essex, brass at, 209

Brunlys tower. South Wales, 98

Buckenham, Essex, 105

————— Ferry Church, 388

Buckland, Worcestershire, embroidery at, 329, 331

Buckle, badge of the, 275

——— found in Hampshire, 281

Bucknell Church, Oxon, 177

Bulkeley family, manor-house of, Anglesey, 44

Bulletin Monumental, 191

Burdoswald, Roman Inscription at, 392

Burgh Castle, Suffolk, 93

Burgundy, channeled Gothic pilasters in, 187

Burnside, F., Review of Vitraux Peints de St. Etienne à Bourges, 169

Butley Priory, Norfolk, jug found at, 158

Bytton, Bp. of Wells, incised tomb of, 210

——— Sir John de, incised tomb of, 210

Byzantine and Gothic styles, ornaments of, 190, 191, 407

———— Architecture, 33, 34, 185, 191


Cædmon, MS. of, 32

Caen, 239

——— Abbey of the Trinity, 320

Caer Bran Chun Castle, Cornwall, 310

Caernarvon Castle, 102

————— 44, 102, 104

Caernarvonshire, Antiquities of, 40, 309

Caerphilly Castle, Northumberland, 102, 103, 104, 106

Caervoran Castle, Roman remains at, 392

Caerwent, Monmouthshire, Prætorian and Decuman entrances to, 94

Cæsar, Invasion of Britain by, 7, 273

Cæarea, a MS. (in the Harleian Collection,) 224

Cahors Cathedral, France, 187

Cainhoe, mound at, 99

Caistor, Norfolk, 105

Calais, St. Nicholas' Church at, 163

Calbourne Church, Isle of Wight, brass in, 391

"Calendar, Illuminated, for 1845," notice of, 405

Calo Johannes, coin of, 134

Cambridge, Public Library at, 243

————— mound at, 99; Castle at, 100

Camden Society, 48, 245

——————— Cambridge, Hints of, 49

Camel, figure of, 188

Camps, Roman, 83

Camulodunum, 8, 181, 310

Canterbury, Bell-Harry steeple &c., 275

————— Cathedral, clear-story windows in the choir of, 17, 170

————— Gateways at, 310

————— Castle, keep of, 94, 106

————— Roman Antiquities found at, 279

————— St. Augustine's Monastery, 277

————— St. Martin's Church, 313

Capgrave's "Nova legenda Angliæ," 55

Capitals, 84, 187, 188, 189 Caracalla, coins of, 183

Caractacus, 310

Carausius, coins of, 183

Cardiff Castle, 94, 99, 100

Careby, Lincolnshire, embroidery at, 329, 331

Carew Castle, South Wales, 102; cross at, 383

——— Richard, Historian of Cornwall, 1, 165

Carisbrook Castle, Isle of Wight, 388

———————— mound at, 99, 259

————— Priory, Chartularies of, 391

Carlaverock, siege of, 324, 365

Carleton, Thomas de, 322

Carlisle Castle, Cumberland, 97, 98

Carnac, Brittany, 228; cross near, 185

Carter, drawings by, 29

Cartoons exhibited in Westminster Hall, 20

Cassington Church, Oxon, 177

Castle, Description of a chamber in, 243

———— Rockingham, 356

———— Beaumarais, 44

———— Dover, 256

———— Carisbrook, 259, 388

———— Caer Bran Chun, and An Dinas, 310

———— Côch, near Cardiff, South Wales, 102, 105

———— Colchester, 316

Castles, 83, 84, 93—107, 196

———— in England, number of, 107

Castleton, Derbyshire, keep at, 94

Castor Church, Northamptonshire, paintings in, 158

Catalogue of the Emblems of Saints, 53, 384

————— of monuments of the Upper Loire, 83

Caudebec, Normandy, 343

Caversfield Church, Oxon, 177

Ceirchiog Church, Anglesey, 381

Celestins, Convent of, Paris, 339, 343

Celtic Monuments, 83, 84, 184, 191, 269

——— Pottery, 230

Cement, red, of mosaic-like work, 193

Cemeteries, 82

Centbal Committee, Proceedings of, 67, 156, 269, 379

Chacombe Priory, Northamptonshire, stone coffins at, 393

Chair of marble, 193

Chale Church, Isle of Wight, foundation of, 391

Chalices, 83, 190, 191

Champernowne, Roger and William, tombs of, 400

Channel Islands, Primeval Antiquities of, 142, 222

Charcoal in coffins, 190

Charlemagne, buildings assigned to, 408

—————— small Roman character introduced by, 190

Charles II., castle guard abolished by, 94

Charlton on Otmoor, Oxon, 1 78

Chartham Church, Kent, 283

Chartres Cathedral, 237

———————— painted glass in, 170, 239

Chasuble, 191

Chateau Gaillard, Normandy, 100

———— sur Epte, Normandy, 99

———— de Coucy, Normandy, 101

Chatillon Castle, 192

Cheiner, Thomas, embroiderer, t. Edw. III., 321

Chelmsford, Essex, vessel found at, 165

Chenies, Bucks, window at, 291

Chepstow Castle, Monmouthshire, 98, 102

Cherbourg, Antiquities around, 191

Chesham, Bucks, window at, 291

Chester Castle, 93, 98, 100, 310

Chesterton Church, Oxon, 178

Chevaliers, mounds so called, 99

Chichester, fresco painting in old house at, 165

————— Museum, Egyptian antiquities in, 388

Chipping Camden, Gloucestershire, cope at, 329, 370

Christ-church Castle, Hants, 99

Christ, representation of, 73, 76, 77, 79, 188, 189, 192, 193

Churches in Anjou, 186

————— Auvergne, 187

————— the Jura, 194

————— Normandy, 191

————— Touraine, 186, 189

Cilgarran Castle, South Wales, 105

Cirencester, Gloucestershire, embroidery at, 329, 331

Cities and Princes, coins of, 417

Civlwlf, King of Mercia, coin of, 386

Clare, Suffolk, mound at, 99

Clarence, Due de, 304

Clark, G. T., Military Architecture, 93

Clerkenwell, Middlesex, 51

Clermont-Ferrant, in Auvergne, 171

"Cleveland, History of," notice of, 411

Cliff, forest of, 368, 375

Clifford's Tower, at York, 100

Clitheroe Castle, Lancashire, 98

Clive, manor of, 363

Coal-owen, near Lismore, Ireland, canoe found at, 164

Coal Money, 347

Cockle-park tower, Northumberland, 106

Cod, Thomas, brass of, at Rochester, 270

Coffins, of stone, 190

"Coins, Ancient, of Cities and Princes," notice of, 417

Coins, British and Gaulish, 8, 224, 388

——— Byzantine and Merovingian, 11, 132, 279

——— Christian iconography on, 132

——— of Constantine, 12

——— directions for cleaning, 9

——— forgeries of, in Paris and London, 13

——— impressions of, in wax, 13

——— of Offa, 12

——— of Civlwlf, King of Mercia, 386

——— of Edward the Confessor, 261

——— Roman, Consular and Imperial, 9, 68

——— Roman, struck in Britain, 10, 11

——— discovered in London, 246

——— "Roman, Relating to Britain," notice of, 179

Coity, Glamorganshire, walls at, 105

Colchester, Essex, antiquities found at, 8, 156

————— castle, 95, 316

————— St. Botolph's Church at, 315

Coldrum Lodge, Kent, cromlech at, 263

Coleshill, Warwickshire, brass at, 389

Colford, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, camp at, 256

College de Bayenx, Paris, 339

————— Henri IV., Paris, 340

————— de Montaigu, Paris, 340

————— de Navarre, Paris, 339

Cologne Cathedral, windows of, 18

Columns, 186, 187

Comité des Arts et Monuments, 6, 72

Commodus, coins of, 182

Comnenus, Alexius, coin of, 132, 134

Conciergerie, Paris, 337

Coney, Alderman, brass of, 202

Coningsborough Castle, Yorkshire, 96

——————— Church, tomb in, 274, 354

Constables of Rockingham Castle, 361, 363

Constance Cathedral, 208

Constantine, coins of, 12

Constantinople, St. Sophia, inscription at, 161

Constautinus and Romanus Locapenus, coin of, 132

Conway, Caernarvonshire, 44, 102

———— embroidery at, 329

Coombe, Oxon, 178

Corbels, 187, 188

Corby, Manor of, 363, 364

Cordeliers, Chapel of the, Paris, 343

Corfe Castle, Dorsetshire, 98

Corhampton Church, Hampshire, 34, 303

Cornelius O'Deagh, Bishop of Limerick, his mitre, 286

Cornhull, Reginald de, furnishes banners for King John, 323

Cornwall, Celtic remains in, 309

Corston Church, Wilts, 38

Cothele Chapel, Cornwall, embroidery at, 329

Cotman's etchings of Sepulchral Brasses, 203

Cottenton's Hill, Kingsclere, Hampshire, antiquities found at, 251

Cottonian MSS., 28, 29, 31, 33

Couldham, John, monument of, 138

Courtenay, William, 322, 324

Cowling Castle, Kent, 105

Cowthorpe Church, Yorkshire, brass in, 69

Craven Ord, collection of brasses by, 201, 202

Creation, representation of the, 80

Credence-tables, 83, 192

Creux de Fées, St. Saviour's, Channel Islands, 151, 228, 230

Cromlechs, 144, 146, 148, 149, 151, 222

Cross-legged Effigies, 49, 199

Cruden's "History of Gravesend," notice of, 277

Cuir-bouilli, articles made of, 290

Cullum's History of Hawsted, Suffolk, 414

Cunobelinus, 8

Cymric antiquities, 40


Dance of Death figured on Church walls, 191

Danes and Northmen, 224

Darcy, John, Constable of the Tower, London, 368

Darenth, Kent, celt found at, 260

Darius, burial-place of, 184

"Dartford, History of," notice of, 277, 418

Dasset, Hannah, monument of, 138

"Decorations of the Middle Ages," 284

D' Aubernoun, Sir John, monument of, 209

De Aqua Blanca, Peter, Bishop of Hereford, 321

De Bakering, Adam, 322

De Basinges, Adam, 321, 322

De Berkyng, Richard, Abbot of Westminster, tomb of, 199

De Bois, Sir Roger, 51

De Borron, Robert, Romances by, 301

De Bureford, Rose, embroidered work sold by her to Queen Philippa, 322

De Caumont, M., Founder of the Société Française, &c., 81, 82, 83, 190

De Cauz, John, Abbot of Peterborough, 359

De Clyfton, John, 376

De Colonia, John, 322, 324

Do Drayton, Simon, 365

De Dreux, John, effigy of, 50

De Ferrers, William, monument of, 398

De Goldingham, Hugh, effigy of, 364

De Hamull, Elie, 364; Thomas, 365

De Harecourt, William, 363

De Holebroc, 364

De Insulâ, William, 364, 366, 375

De la Mare, Abbot, brass of, 207

De Latymer, William, 364, 365

De Lexinton, Robert, 367

De Manners, Baldwin, 365

De Mar, Donenald, 365

De Mara, Robert, 363

De Merlimond, Oliver, 234

De Montereau, Pierre, 336

De Montfort, Simon, Machines introduced by, 288

De Blorteyn, John, 365

De Mortimer, Roger, lord of Wigmore, 234

De Rokingham, Geoffry, 367

De Ros, lord, effigy of, 50

De St. Amando, Almaric, 365

De Valence, Aymer, earl of Pembroke, 365

De Veer, Robert, 365

De Verdoun, John, 365

De Walsokne, Adam, brass of, 207

De Welles, Adam, 365

Deerhurst Church, Gloucestershire, 31

Denbigh Castle, North Wales, 105

Denkendorf, Germany, 409

Derby, St. Alkmund's Church at, 398

Destruction of monuments prevented, 84, 190, 191

Didron's "Icongraphie Chretienne," analysis of, 72, 132

Dinas Castle, North Wales, 105

——— Sylwy, North Wales, 127

Diocletian, coins of, 182

Dion Cassius, 112

Diserth, Flintshire, cross at, 383

Diz dou Soucretain, 212

Documents, Original, 64, 153

Dolmen, discovered near Le Mans, 82, 84

Domes, represented in MSS., 33

Domesday Book, 24, 32

"Domestic Architecture, Illustrations of," 212, 301

Dompont, gateway at, 190

Donaldson, Professor, preface by, 184

Doncaster Deanery, Yorkshire, History of, 356

Donnington Castle, Berks, 106

Doorways, decoration of, 188

Dorchester Church, Oxon, glass preserved by Colonel Kennett in, 17

Dovecot, ancient, at Garway, Herefordshire, 265, 166

Dover Castle, 94, 95, 100, 102, 104, 106, 310, 311, 314

—————— the Pharos at, 256

Douce, Mr., bequest of rubbings from brasses, 202

Dragon's or whale's throat, 175

"Dresses and Decorations of Middle Ages," notice of, 284

Druidical Altars, 146, 147

Dublin, St. Patrick's Cathedral at, 200

Dudley Castle, Staffordshire, 105

Dugdale, his Monasticon, 43

Dukes of Anjou, tombs of, 84

Dulwich College, Kent, 161

Dunkin's "History of Dartford," 277, 418

Durham Cathedral, 328

———— mound at, 99

Durnovaria, now Dorchester, Dorsetshire, 351,352

Du Sommérard, M., Antiquities collected by, 344

Dymchurch, Kent, Roman urns &c., found at, 272


Ealdred and Eadmar, Abbots, 30

Earl's Barton Church, Northamptonshire, 26, 27

East Langdon, Kent, embroidery at, 329, 330

—— Tisted Church, Hants, 393

—— Wickham Church, Kent, paintings in, 165, 274, 400

Eaton-socon, Bedfordshire, mound at, 99

Ebsamboul, temple of, 184

Ecole des Arts et Metiers, at Angers, 242

Edgmond, Shropshire, incised slab at, 210

Edinburgh, Trinity College Kirk at, 389

Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, 375 Edward I., King, 40, 41

——— the Confessor, 33, 177, 261

—————————— birth-place of, 177

—————————— gold coin of, 261

——— of Westminster, 324

——— the Black Prince, tomb of, 326

Edwardian or Concentric Castles, 102

Egyptian Architecture, 184

Eleanor of Guienne, 375

Elizabeth, Saint, 46

———— Queen of Edward IV., 375

Elora, temples of, 184

Elsing, Norfolk, monument at, 201, 203, 209

Elstow, Bedfordshire, 324

Ely, Fair of, 328; cope at, 329, 331

Emblems of Saints, 53, 384

Embroidery, Medieval, 274, 318

Emneth, Norfolk, communion cloth at, 331

Ensham Church, Oxon, 178

Equestrian Statues, 83

Esher, brass works at, 208

Esquimaux, 150

Etaples, Picardy, Roman jars found at, 230

Ethelwulf, ring of, 284

Etton Church, Northamptonshire, paintings at, 158

Eugenius III., Pope, 241

Eupardus, Bishop of Autun, coin of, 279

Evagrius, 174

Evangelists, emblems of, 63

Evesham, Worcestershire, battle at, 288

Evron, reliquary at, 190


Fabliaux, or Metrical tales, 212

Fairford Church, Gloucestershire, glass preserved there by the Hon. Mrs. Farmer, 17

Falaise Castle, Normaudy, 98

Felbrigg, Sir John, monumental brass of, 70

Felmingham, Norfolk, antiquities at, 381 , 387

Felstead family, monument of, 139

Festivals, emblems of, 62

Fish-hooks, Celtic, 83

Flambard, John, monument of, 391

Flamboyant style, 238, 333

Flanders, brasses imported from, 207, 208

Fleming, Alan, brass of, at Newark, 207

Flint, weapons formed of, 247

Flint and Rhuddlan Castles, Flintshire, 105

Font, Norman, at Ingleton, Durham, 393

—— bearing a Greek inscription, 161

Fontenay le Marmion, mouud at, 99

Fontevrault, Chapel at, 190; Cupola at, 188

Foulque Nera, Churches built by, 187

Four Doctors of the Church, emblems of, 63

Fowey Towers, Cornwall, 105

Framlingham Castle, Suffolk, 104

Francis I., portrait of, 289

Fresco at Pompeii, and Herculaneum, 27

——— portrait of Louis XI., 190

Freyburg, Cathedral of, 186

Fribourg, Switzerland, 171


Gailhaband's "Ancient and Modern Architecture," 184

Gallo-Roman Villas, 84

————— jewel-box, 192

Garway, Herefordshire, Preceptory at, 265

Gauls, huts of, 310

Gavr' Innis, Island of, 227

Geddington, manor of, 363, 368

Geoffry of Monmouth, 313

Geography, ancient, 84

Geta, coins of, 182

Gisors Castle, Normandy, 101

Glamorgan, twelve Knights of, 95

Glennauch Island, 123

Gloucestershire Archæological Association, 388

Godshill Church, Isle of Wight, paintings in, 67, 165

Godstow Monastery, Oxon, 179

Goodrich Castle, Herefordshire, keep at, 95

Gorleston Church, Suffolk, brass in, 203

"Gothic Architecture," analysis of, 291

Gough, his collection of drawings, 200, 211

Gozo, Island of, near Malta, 184

Grafton, Northamptonshire, incised slab at, 210

Gratian, coins of, 351

"Gravesend, Kent, History of," 277

Great Malvern, Worcestershire; St. Michael's Chapel at, 67

Greenwich Park, Kent, barrows in, 166, 167, 249, 252

Gregory of Tours, Churches built by, 186

Gretton, manor of, 364

Grey, Robert, monument of, 391

Grosmont Castle, Monmouthshire, chimney at, 266

Grosteste, Robert, Bishop of Lincoln, tomb of, 199

Grosteste's Chateau D' Amour, 304

Guernsey, primeval antiquities in, 143, 226

"Guide to Architectural Antiquities in the Neighbourhood of Oxford," 177

Guildford Castle, Surrey, 94, 98

Gundulph, Bishop, architectural works of, 409

Gypeyere, or pouch, 251


Hadrian, coins of, 180, 351

Haigh on Anglo-Saxon coinage, 277

Haigh, D. H., on a Norman tombstone, Coningsborough, Yorkshire, 354

Hall, the Chronicler, 198

Halliwell, J. O., Original Documents, 243

Hallum, Bishop of Salisbury, monument of, 208

Hammel, near Eastry, Kent, figure found at, 163

Hampton Poyle Church, Oxon, 178

Harescomb Church, Gloucestershire, 36

Harlech Castle, Merionethshire, 105

Harold II., King, 35

Harrow Church, Middlesex, brass in, 391

Hart, Rev. Richard, Emblems of Saints, 53

Hartshorne, Rev. C., Medieval Embroidery, 318

—————————— Rockingham Castle, 356

Hastings, Sussex, All Saints Church, brass in, 391

———— Lord William; and Ralph, 365, 375

———— Sir Hugh, monument of, 201, 203

Hawarden Castle, Flintshire, 105

Hawkins's Silver Coins of England, 13

Head-dress, Ladies', 45

Hedda, Bishop of Winchester, 286

Hedingham Castle, Essex, 96, 106

"Heideloff's Architectural Ornaments," notice of, 407

Hell, depicted, 189

Helmingham, Suffolk, coin found at, 68

Helmsley Castle, Yorkshire, 98

Henley, Oxon, Celtic monument near, 225

Henry I., 35

—— II., 35; effigy of, 324

—— III., robes of, 325

—— IV., 46

—— V., bed of, 324

—— VI., coronation of, 278

—— VIII., Blockhouses erected by, 106 Hereford Cathedral, incised slab in, 210

Harm, Island of, 151, 229

Hewar, Sir Thomas, 331

Hexham Castle, Northumberland, 104

Hinckley, Leicestershire, mound at, 99

Holborough, Kent, barrows at, 262

Hole, manor of, 368

Hollingbourne, Kent, earthworks at, 256, 260

Holt Castle, Denbighshire, bridge at, 104

Holyhead, Anglesey, 42

Holywell, Flintshire, cross at, 383

———— St. Winifred's Well, 249

Horns, Moses represented with, 174

Horn-shaped Ladies' Head-dress, 45

Hotel de Cluny, Paris, 238, 344

—— de La Tremoille, Paris, 344

—— de Sens, Paris, 238, 344

—— de Ville, Paris, 238, 344

Houses of Parliament, designs for painted glass in, 23

Hrothgar, a Danish King, 12

Hullavington, Gloucestershire, embroidery at, 329, 330

Hunter's History of Doncaster Deanery, Yorkshire, 356

History of Hallamshire, Yorkshire, 414

Hurst Castle, Hampshire, 106


"Iconographie Chretienne," notice of, 72

Iconography and Iconoclasm, 131

Ifleld, Sussex, brass at, 209

Illuminated MSS., illustrating Anglo-Saxon Architecture, 24, 27

————— Calendar, 405

Illustrations of Domestic Architecture, 212, 301

Incarnation, symbols of, 175

Incised Slabs, 197, 210, 211

—————— illumination which represents the process ef incising slabs, 301

—————— in Devonshire, 400

Incorporated Church building Society, grants by, 71

India, and South America, natives of, 151

Ingleton Church, Durham, Norman font at, 393

Ingram, J., D.D., on Iconography and Iconoclasm, 131

Innocent IV., Pope, 323

Inscriptions, preservation of, 135

Introduction, 1

Ipsley, Warwickshire, incised slab at, 210

"Ipswich, picturesque antiquities at," notice of, 81

———— St. Mary Key Church, brass at, 208

Ireland, round towers in, 270; ornaments found in, 270

Isabella, Queen, 322, 375

Islip Church, Oxon, 177

Iwain, Sir, representations of his adventures, 305

Ixworth, Suffolk, antiquities found at, 246


Jacob de Voragine, Golden Legend by, 55

Janus, temple of, at Home, 313

Jehan de Meun, Author of the "Roman de la Rose," 46

Jerdan, W., Suggestions for the Extension of the British Archæological Association, 297

Jersey, Island of, 223, 224

Jestin, St., tomb of, Anglesey, 43, 124

Joan, daughter of King John, 127

Jocelin, Bishop of Wells, tomb of, 199

John ab Eyck, oil painting invented by, 290

John, King, robes of, 325

Joiner Street, London, coins &c. found in, 246

Joinville, inscribed stone near, 185

Jones, Rev. H. L., Antiquities of Anglesey, 40, 118

———————— Architecture of Paris, 237, 336

——— Sir Hugh, tomb of, 201

Jongleurs et Trouvferes, by M. Jubiual, 46

Jordan, used by Alchemists, 153

Jubinal's "Jongleurs et Trouvères," 46

Jublains, excavations at, 186

Judgment, the last, depicted, 189

Julian, the Emperor, 238

Justice, ancient places of, 187

Justinian II., or Rhinotmetus, 133


Kairo, mosque at, 186

Kaiserberg, 408

Kay, Sir, 303

Kayngham, manor of, 363

Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire, 97

Kenslowe Wood, near Middleton, Derbyshire, bones found at, 246

Kettleston, Norfolk, embroidery at, 329

Kidlington Church, Oxon, 178

Kilkenny, Ireland, antiquities found in, 253

Kilpeck Church, Herefordshire, 235

Kimmeridge Coal Money, 272, 347

King, J. W., on Monumental Inscriptions, 135

King's College Chapel, Cambridge, 337

——————————————— windows of, 19; vaulting, 188

Kingsworthy, Hants, window at, 291

Kinnerley Church, Shropshire, font at, 161

Kinnersley, Herefordshire, embroidery at, 329

Kirkby-Malhamdale, Yorkshire, font at, 393

Kirtlington Church, Oxon, 178

Kit's Cotty House, near Maidstone, Kent, 263

Klostre Heilbronn, Chapel of, 407


La Fontaine des Druides, Guernsey, 232

Lamb, the Divine, representation of, 75

Lancaster Castle, 98

———————— gate at, 104

Lancelot, representations of his adventures, 302

L'ancresse, plain of, Guernsey, 146, 148, 149, 222

Lanfranc, Archbishop, architectural works of, 409

Langton, Dean, tomb of at York, 199

Lanham Down, Hants, Roman villa on, 386

Lansdown, near Bath, Somersetshire, 93

Lantern-towers in cemeteries, 82, 190

Laon, restorations at, S3; painted glass at, 171

L'Argentiere, Archæological lectures at, 192

La Rocque Belen, Guernsey, 232

Lassus, M., an able architect, 338, 341, 344

La Trinité, parish of, Jersey, celts found at, 226

Laughton-en-le-Morthen, St. John's Church at, Yorkshire, 356, 389, 401, 404

Launceston Tower, Cornwall, 98

L'Autel du Tus, Guernsey, Cromlech so called, 227

Lazarus, St., Order of, 51

La Zouch, Alan, 364, 365

Leathersellers' Company in London, Archives of, 419

Leckhampton, near Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, skeleton found at, 387

Lee, Sir Henry and Lady, effigies of, 70

"Leicester Hand-book," notice of, 415 Leicester, remains of ancient masonry at, 310, 312

———— ancient cellar at, 390

Leigh Delamere Church, Wilts, 37, 38

Leigh, barony of, 141

Le Maine, Province of, 190

Le Mans' Cathedral, 82

———— painted glass at, 170

———— diocese, numerous old churches in, 82

Lenham Church, Kent, fresco at, 270, 274

Leo III., Pope, 323

Leominster, Herefordshire, vase found at, 162

Lesvieres, Chapel, Anjou, 84

Letheringham Church, Suffolk, 199

Lewes Castle, Sussex, 98, 99, 274

Lewis's Illustrations of Kilpeck Church, 235

Liège, S. Jacques' Church at, 19

Lilienfeld, Lower Austria, 409

Limoges, Artists of, 200

———— stained glass in the Diocese of, 191

Lincoln, 93, 310

——— Cathedral, 238

———————— Library of, 243

——— Castle, 99

——— Roman Arch at, 94

Lindsay's Coins of the Saxon Heptarchy, 13

Ling, Norfolk, embroidery at, 329

Lion, symbolical, 174, 187, 193

Little Horkesley, Essex, wooden effigies at, 70

Little Malvern Church, Worcestershire, 250

Llan Ddona Church, Anglesey, 12G

Llandegvan Church, Anglesey, 120, 122

Llanedwen Church, Anglesey, 381

Llanengraid Church, Anglesey, 381

Llanfaes, friary of, Anglesey, 41, 126

Llaufinnan, Anglesey, 44

Llangharne, Caermarthenshire, cope at, 329

Llangoed Church, Anglesey, 120, 123, 126

Llanidan Church, Anglesey, 380

Llaniestin Church, Anglesey, 122, 124

Llansadwrn Church, Anglesey, 120, 121, 123, 124

Llantwit Mayor, Glamorganshire, cross at, 383

Llan Tysilio Church, Anglesey, 128

Llanvihangel Esgeifiog Church, Anglesey, 381, 403

————— Tin Sylwy Church, Anglesey, 43, 120, 122, 123, 127

Llanwrst, Denbighshire, Gwydir Chapel at, 201

Llechylched Church, Anglesey, 381

Llewelyn ap Jorwerth, King of Wales, 123, 127

Loches Church, Byzantine Cupola at, 188

——— Castle, 95

Locmariakar, Maen-hir at, 185

Lollius Urbicus, victory of, 181

London, ancient Roman inscriptions found in, 115

———— ancient walls of, 114

———— bridge, 108, 112, 181

———— excavations in, 108, 110, 113

———— Roman, 108

———— Roman arch discovered, 111

Long Wittenham Church, Berks, piscina in, 257

Longuespée, William, effigy of at Salisbury, 287

Lorsch, in Germany, abbey of, 408

Lough Neagh, in Ireland, cross near, 383

Louis XI., fresco portrait of, 190

Louvre, Paris, architectural character of, 344

Ludgate, London, St. Martin's Church, 161

Ludlow Castle, 96; history of, 234

Lugdunum, inscriptions at, 192

Luines, in France, aqueduct of, 189

Lukis, F. C, Antiquities of the Channel Islands, 142, 222

Lullingstone Church, Kent, painted glass at, 174

Lutterworth, Leicestershire, embroidery at, 329, 331

Lynn, Norfolk, brasses at, 201, 207, 208

Lyons, l' Institut Catholique, an Archæological Society at, 192

——— painted glass at, 170, 174

Lytham, Lancashire, wooden Church formerly at, 24


Macarins, Bishop of Antioch, forged seal of, 162

Madeley Chapel, Shropshire, vestments at, 330

Maelgwyn Gwynedd, King of Wales, 123

Maidstone, Kent, valley of, 263

———— Roman building near, 68

———— Local Committee of the Archæological Association formed at, 404

Malacet, Sir Pandulf, 288

Malta, knights of, 51

Manuel, coin of, 133

Mapes, Walter, poems by, 48, 301

Maps, Archæological, 186, 191

Margam, Glamorganshire, cross at, 383

Margaret, Queen of Henry VI., 375

———— Queen of Scotland, Portrait of, 289

———— the Princess, 325

Margate, Kent, worked gold found at, 67

Marlborough, Wilts, mound at, 99

Marseilles, John, Bishop of, 322

Martinvast Church, Normandy, 191

Masonry, ancient mixed, 307

———— Medieval, 84, 189

Masons' marks, 276, 382

Matilda, Queen of William I., 320

Maudut, Robert, 363; William, 363

Mauleverer family, brasses of, 389

Mavesyn Ridware, Staffordshire, incised slab at, 210

Maximian, coins of, 182

Medbourn, Leicestershire, 368

Medieval Antiquities of Anglesey, 40, 118

———— Writers, 212

———— Embroidery, 318

Melverley, Salop, wooden Chapel at, 161

Memoires Historiques sur les Templiers, 50

———— on embroidery, 324

Mermaid, symbolical, 188, 193

Merovingian tombs, 191

Merton Church, Oxon, 178

——— College, Oxford, 279

Middleham Castle, Yorkshire, 98

Middleton, Richard, tomb of, 201

Stoney Church, Oxon, 178

Military Architecture, 93

Minister of Public Instruction of France, letter from, 102

Mirat, in Auvergne, capital at, 193

Moukstot, Isle of Skye, spur found at, 249

Mont St. Michel, Normandy, 147, 191

Montacute, Somerset, antiquities found at, 165

————— Earl of Sarum, brass attributed to, 391

Montfancon, Monuraens Français of, 50

Montmartre, near Paris, Abbey Church of, 238, 240

Monumental Inscriptions, preservation of, 135

Morard, Abbot, 239

Moraunt, William, seal of, 219

Morlais Castle, Wales, 105

Morpeth tower, Northumberland, 106

Mosaic, 187, 199

Moses, represented with horns, 174

Motes Bulwark Castle, 106

Mould, formation of, 352

Mouldings, 186, 187, 189

Mummy, 281

Munimenta Antiqua, by King, 309 Munter's translation of "the Statutes of the Templars," 51

Murrhard, Walderich's Chapel at, 407

Museum, at Caen, 82

———— at Le Mans, 82

Music, of the Church, 190


Nakshi-Rustam, tomb of, 184

Nest, symbolical, 175

Nettle Hall, Essex, 105

Nevern, Pembrokeshire, cross at, 383

Nevers, figure of a camel on a capital at, 188

Neville, Hugh and Roger, 263, 366

Newark, Nottinghamshire, monument at, 207

Newbold on Avon, Warwickshire, incised slabs at, 210

Newcastle on Tyne, 96, 97, 106

————————— Hospital of the Blessed Virgin at, 70,157

————————— St. Nicholas' Church at, 249

Newcastle Street, London, excavations in, 162

Newport, Monmouthshire, tower at, 102

Newton Church, Yorkshire, carved stone at, 411

Nimbus, various forms of, 73, 74, 75, 134, 193, 194

Nismes, amphitheatre of, 185

Noatre, Church and Castle of, 190

Normandy, architects brought from, 35

Northamptonshire, Roman antiquities found in, 280

North Aston Church, Oxon, 178

Northborough Church, Lincolnshire, 36

Northleigh Church, Saxon tower of, 177

North Mimms, Hertfordshire, brass at, 208

Northumberland, bronze swords found near the Roman wall, 246

North Walsham, Norfolk, paintings at, 256, 258

Norwich Castle, Norfolk, 98

Notices of New Publications, 72, 169, 284, 405

Nôtre Dame Cathedral, Paris, 238, 242, 346

Noviomagus, 418

Numismatics, 7

Numismatic Chronicle, 8

————— Society, 246

Nuremberg, St. Sebald's Church at, 409


Octeville Church, Normandy, 191

Offa, coins of, 12

Ogmore Castle, Glamorganshire, 96, 100

Ordeal, administered in Churches, 187

Ordericus Vitalis, wooden chapel mentioned by, near Shrewsbury, 24

"Ord's History of Cleveland," 411

Orford Castle, Suffolk, 98

Organ case, 82

Original Documents illustrating the Arts of the Middle Ages, 64, 152, 243

Ornamentation, 187, 189

Orpington Church, Kent, doorway at, 291

Orton Church, Northamptonshire, paintings at, 158

Oscott College, Warwickshire, ancient vestments preserved at, 328

Oxford, Arundelian marbles, 33

——— castle, 97, 99, 100

——— fair, 328

——— "Guide to Antiquities in the Neighbourhood of," notice of, 177

Owner, Edward, monument of, 139

Oye, near Flekkefjord, Norway, mound at, 249


Painted Glass, 14

——————— styles and periods of, 18

——————— how to be restored, 15

——————— leading of, 15

——————— protected by wire-guards, 17

——————— cleaning of, 18

——————— by Willement, 21

——————— designs for in Houses of Parliament, 23

——————— Canterbury Cathedral, 17, 170

——————— King's College Chapel, Cambridge, 19

——————— Dorchester Church, Oxon, 17

——————— Fairford Church, Gloucestershire, 17

——————— Westwell Church, Kent, 16

——————— Shrewsbury, Salop, 161

——————— Lullingstone Church, Kent, 174

——————— Anjou, 190

——————— Le Mans Cathedral and Diocese, 82

——————— Limoges Diocese, 191

——————— Cologne Cathedral, 18

——————— S. Jacques' Church, Liege, 19

——————— at Bourges, Chartres, Tours, Beauvais, Le Mans, St. Denys, Lyons, Troyes, Strasbourg, &c. 170, 171

——————— at Villefranche, 194

Painting, gilding, &c., receipts for, 64

Paintings on walls, restoration of, 161

Pakenham, Suffolk, antiquities found at, 246

Palais de Justice, Paris, 337, 344

——— des Thermes, Paris, 238, 240

Palmer, Thomas, 376

Pangbourn, Berks, antiquities found at, 164

Paris, Ecclesiastical Architecture of, 237, 336

——— Bishop of, 46

——— Church of the Invalides, 186

——— Halle-au-Blé, 186

——— La Sainte Chapelle, 336

——— Palais des beaux Arts, incised slab at, 211

——— Royal Library at, 46

Parker, J. H., notice of Brandon's Analysis of Gothic Architecture, 291

—————— notice of Heideloff's Architectural Ornaments, 407

Parsons, Ralph, tomb of, 332

Parthenon, of Athens, 185

Paschal, Pope, representation of, 75

Passelawe, Robert, 364

Peak Castle, Derbyshire, 98

Peakirk Church, Northamptonshire, paintings at, 158

Pebmarsh Church, Essex, brass at, 199

Pelasgian monuments, 184

Pelham family, badge of, 275

Pelican, symbolical, 175

Penally, near Tenby, Pembrokeshire, crosses at, 384

Penkridge, Staffordshire, incised slabs at, 210

Penline Castle, 98

Penmanship, ancient, 190

Penmon, Anglesey, Conventual Church of, 42, 120, 122, 124

Penmynydd Church, Anglesey, 43, 121, 127

Penner of Henry VI., 290

Pentateuch, translation of by Aelfric, 27

Persepolis, ruins of, 184

Persia, monuments of, 184

Peter de Rotis, 52

—— of Bologna, 52

—— the Venerable, 241

Petit, Rev. J. L., on Bell-turrets, 36 Peutinger's table, the map called, 83, 191

Pevensey, Sussex, 93, 99, 310

Philippa, Queen of Edward III., 324, 367, 375

Pinkerton's Essay on Medals, 11

Pitchford, Shropshire, incised slab at, 210

Plas Goch, Anglesey, 44

—— Penmynydd, Anglesey, 44

Playford Church, Suffolk, brass in, 70

Pleshy, Essex, mound at, 99

Ploemeur, Brittany, maen-hir at, 185

Plumpton Correspondence, 70

Poitiers, golden ornament found near, 252

Poitou, figure of a mermaid in, 188

Political Songs published by the Camden Society, 48

Polychromy, 187, 189

Pompeii and Herculaneum, frescoes at, 27

Pornstoke, manor of, 3(33

Portchester Castle, Hants, 93, 96, 102, 106

Portkerry, Glamorganshire, cross at, 383

Postumus, coins of, 180

Powis Castle, North Wales, 106

Pratt's process for carving wood, 270

Prætorian, Decuman, and Principal gates, 93

Preachers, order of, 419

Preston, Lawrence, 364

Priestholm, Island of, Anglesey, 43

Primeval Antiquities of the Channel Islands, 142, 222

Prior's House, Wenlock, Salop, 163

Prior Park, near Bath, embroidery at, 330

Proceedings of the Central Committee, 67, 156, 269, 379

Prudentius, 35

————— Mosaic given to St. Peter by, 194

Prudhoe Castle, Northumberland, 96, 99, 106

Publications, notices of, 72, 85, 169, 194, 284, 292, 405

Puffin Island, Anglesey, 43

Pugin, designs for bell-turrets by, 36

Purbeck, Isle of, 347

Puy Church, sculpture at, 193

Pyramids, Egyptian, paintings in, 27


Quarendon Chapel, Bucks, 70

Queenborough Castle, Kent, 105

Querqueville Church, Normandy, 191

Questions discussed at Angers, 82


Raby Castle, Durham, 105

Raglan Castle, Monmouthshire, 104, 105

Ramsgate, Kent, skeletons found at, 68

———————— pier, excavations at, 69

Ravenna, St. Vital's Church at, 185

Raynal de Pruin, 52

Receipts, for painting, gilding, &c., 64, 152

Recent Archæological Publications, 85, 90, 194, 292

Reculver, Kent, chapel at, 278

Reginald of Durham, 24

Reliquaries, 190, 191

Reliquæ Antiquæ, 48

Remigius, works of, 409

Renaissance, style of, 238, 344

Réné, Duke of Anjou, 84, 191

Restormel Tower, Cornwall, 98

Revue Numismatique, 8

Rheims, painted glass at, 170

Rhuddlan Castle, Flintshire, 105

Richard I., robes of, 325

——— II., portrait of, 289

Richardson, restoration of effigies by, 49

Richardson's metallic rubber for brasses, 206

Richborough Castle, Kent, 93, 278, 310

Richmond Castle, Yorkshire, 99

Rickman, the late Thomas, architect, 30, 36

Rings used instead of coins, 7, 257

Risinghoe, Bedfordshire, mound at, 99

Rochester Castle, Kent, 94, 96, 106

———— St. Margaret's Church, brass in, 270

Rockingham Castle, Northamptonshire, 356

Rodmarton, Kent, British coin found at, 388

Roger the tailor, 325

Rokewode, John Gage, Esq., historian of Suffolk, 203, 236

Roman coins, 179

—————— consular and imperial, 9

—————— struck in Britain, 10, 11, 182

Roman London, 108

——— pottery, 116

——— sculpture, 84

——— villas, 84

Roman de Garin, 320

——— de la Rose, 46, 319

Romanesque architecture, 34

Roraanus Diogenes, coin of, 134

Rome, personification of, 181

—— St. Clement's Basilica at, 185

Ronzeray, Church of, at Angers, 189

Roos, Robert, 365

Rosamund, burial-place of, 179

Rotherfield Grays, Oxon, brass at, 391

Rotweil, in the Black Forest, sculpture at, 409

Rouen Cathedral, 237

Rouettes des Feêtaux, found in Guernsey, 230

Round table, romance of the, 301

Rowland's Mona Antiqua, 45, 119, 123

Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, 13

Rushton Church, Northamptonshire, 364

Rutchester, Northumberland, Roman altars found at, 385

Ruthal, Richard, Bishop of Durham, 332

Rye House, 105


Saffron Walden, Essex, antiquities found at, 158, 280

Saintonge, province of, France, 188

Saints, Emblems of, 53, 384

Salamina, fresco at, 79

Salisbury, Wilts, 171

——————— fair, 328

——————— St. Thomas' Church, ancient embroidery in, 331, 333

Sandal Castle, Yorkshire, mound of, 99

Sandbach, Cheshire, crosses at, 383

Sandgate Castle, Kent, 106

Sandown Castle, Kent, 106

San Graal, romance of, 301

Sarum, Old, Wilts, model of, 274

Saturninus, Saint, tomb of, 43, 124

Saxon Sceattæ, 11, 385

——— Styca, 12

Schwartz-Rheindorf, Germany, Church of, 409

"Seances Gexerales tences par la Societe Française," account of, 81, 186

Segesta, temple of, 185

Seiriol, Saint, founder of monastery at Penmôn, 42, 123 Sens, painted glass at, 170

Sepulchral brasses and incised slabs, 197

Sepulture, 190

Severus, coins of, 182

Shap, Westmoreland, Celtic monument near, 389

Shaw's "Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages," 284, 208

Shefford, Beds., Roman remains near, 395

Shobdon Old Church, Herefordshire, 233

Shrewsbury, Shropshire, alb at, 330

——————————— painted glass at, 161

————— Earl of, cope in his possession, 329

Silchester, Hampshire, 93, 310

Sins, the seven deadly, 193

Sittingbourne, Kent, remains found at, 280

Siward, son of Edelgar, 24

Skelton Church, Yorkshire, 36

Skinfrith Tower, South Wales, 98

Slitrig, Teviotdale, Church at, 24

Smith, C. R., Numismatics, 7

—————— Roman London, 108

—————— Notice of Britten's Topographical Literature, 413

—————————— Dunkin's History of Dartford, 418

—————————— Akerman's Coins of the Romans &c., 179

—————————————— ancient Coins of Cities and Princes, 417

——— Henry and Adam, calculations of, 321

Snodland, Kent, Roman remains at, 164

Soissons, France, 171

Sompting Church, Sussex, 26, 27, 34

Southern sea, tribes of the, 150

Sonthleigh Church, Oxon, 177

Southsea Castle, Hampshire, 106

Springhead, Kent, antiquities found at, 253

Spur, found at Monkstot, Isle of Skye, 249

—— of bronze, found in Suffolk, 246

St. Alban's Abbey, Heris, 28, 310, 315

——————— brass at, 207

————— St. Michael's Church at, 315

St. Antoine, abbey of, 343

St. Aubin's Cloister, Angers, 187

St. Augustine's Monastery, Canterbury, 174, 313

St. Benet's Church, Cambridge, 30

St. Bernard, 241

St. Briavel's Castle, Gloucestershire, 94

St. Denis, Ahbey Church of, 337

———— painted glass at, 170, 174, 238

St. Denis de la Chartre, Church of, 241

St. Donat's, Glamorganshire, 105

St. Etienne du Mont, Church of, Paris, 344

St. Eustache, Church of, Paris, 238, 345

St. Evroul, Abbey of, 320

St. Foy, Church of, 192

St. Francis, third order of, 343

St. Geneviève, tomb of, Paris, 345

—————— tower of, Paris, 340

St. Georges des Mines, Anjou, porch, 187

St. Germain des Prés, Abbey of, Paris, 238, 239

————— en Laye, Chateau of, 337, 340

————— l'Auxerrois, Church of, Paris, 238, 341, 342

St. Gervais, Church of, Paris, 238, 343

St. Guthlac, ordination of, 286

St. Jacques de la Boucherie, Church of, Paris, 343

St. Jerome, 174

St. John, Church of, at Laughton, Yorkshire, 356, 384, 401, 404

St. John the Evangelist's Chapel, Paris, 338

St. John de Lateran, Chapel of, Paris, 339

St. Juliana, Chapel of, Shobdon, 234

St. Jullien le Pauvre, Church of, Paris, 238, 241

St. Laurent, Church of, Paris, 238, 346

St. Leonard's Church, Rockingham, 360

St. Leu and St. Gilles, Church of, Paris, 340

St. Martin des Champs, Church of, Paris, 242, 342

St. Matthew's Church, Friday-street, London, 253

St. Medard, Church of, Paris, 342

St. Méry, Church of, Paris, 238, 341, 342

St. Michael's Schwabischall, Germany, 408

St. Nicholas des Champs, Church of, Paris, 342

————— du Chardonnet, Church of, Paris, 345

St. Paul, Church of, Paris, 320

St. Pierre aux Bœufs, Church of, Paris, 338

St. Serge, Church of, Angers, 187

St. Sévérin, Church of, Paris, 238, 338, 342, 343

St. Victor, abbey of, Paris, 343

Stamford, manor of, 363

Stanford Bury, Beds, military station at, 396

Stanton Harcourt, Oxon, 177, 179

Statues, 193, 190

Steeple Aston Church, Oxon, 318, 332

Stephen, castles built in the reign of, 94

Stephen's treaty with Henry duke of Normandy, 94

Stephen of Lexington, abbot of Clairvaux, 339

Steresbrugg, fair of, 328

Stoke by Neyland, Suffolk, 199

——— Canon, Devonshire, embroidery at, 329, 330, 331

——— d'Abemon, Surrej', brass at, 209

Stonesfield Church, Oxon, 178

Stonyhurst, 328, 330

Stothard, 51

———— Charles, monument of, 398

Stowting, Kent, arms &c. found at, 68, 69

Strasbourg, painted glass at, 170, 171, 239

Strutt, 46

Stukely, Dr., 312

Subjects represented in Churches, 63

Suggestions fop, the extension of the British Archaeological Association, 297

Sully Castle, 100

Sumercote, John de, 325

Surtainville Church, Normandy, 191

Swansea, South Wales, brass at, 201

Swinden's "History of Yarmouth," 138

Swords, Roman and Norman, found in the Thames, 246

Sydenham, John, on Kimmeridge Coal-money, 347

Sylvanus Crewe, engraved portraits by, 201

Symbolism, 171

Synagogue represented with bandaged eyes, 173


Talacre, ancient chasuble at, 330

Tamworth Castle, Staffordshire, 98, 99, 100

Tapestry, 190

Tatershall Castle, Lincolnshire, 105

Templars, effigies commonly appropriated to, 49, 265

Temple Church, London, 49

——————— Paris, 343

Tenby, Pembrokeshire, altar tomb at, 201

Thau, the cross-like letter, 173

Thesaurus Morellianus, consular coins of, 11

Thomas à Becket, 277, 285

———— of Ereildoun, ballad of, 243

Thompson's "Handbook of Leicester," notice of, 415

Thornbury Castle, Gloucestershire, 104

Thorpe-Salvin Church, Yorkshire, 403

Thruxton, Hants, pavement found at, 388

Thursby, near Lincoln, inscription at, 280

Tichfield House, Hants, 105

Toddington, Bedfordshire, mound at, 99

Tollesast Church, Normandy, 191 Tombs, various, in Anglesey, 43, 124

——— with cross-legged effigies, 49, 199

——— at Yarmouth, Norfolk, desecration of, 138

——— at Beer Ferrers, Devon, 398

Tombstone, Norman, at Coningsborough,354

Tonbridge, Kent, mouud at, 99

"Topographical Literature," notice of, 413

Toscanella, St. Mary's Church at, 185

Touraine, diocesan seminary of, 189

Tours, painted glass at, 170, 238

Tower, of London, 94, 95, 106

Towers, 98, 106, 188, 191

Towton, battle of, 290

Trematon Tower, Cornwall, 98

Tremeirchion, Flintshire, cross at, 383

Trepied, cromlech so called, 228

Tretower, Brecknockshire, 98

Trinity College, Cambridge, basin used there, 161

——— representation of the, 74, 76, 80

Troyes, painted glass at, 170

Trumpington Church, Cambridgeshire, 199

————— Sir Roger de, brass of, 199

Tubingen, St. George's, sculptured panel at, 410

Tuileries, Paris, Palace of the, 121, 238

Tully, Bishop of St. David's, tomb of, 201

Tumulus, purchased, 83, 84

Turnament of Tottenham, 243

Turner, Dawson, Esq., replacing of a brass by, 203

Tyndaethwy, commot of, Anglesey, 118

Tynemouth Tower, Northumberland, 106


Ullathorne's heel-ball, for rubbings from brasses, 205

Ulsinus, Abbot of St. Alban's, 315

Unicorn, symbolical, 175

Upanry, manor of, 368

Upleatham, Yorkshire, urn found at, 413

Upnor Castle, Kent, 106

Upper Loire, monuments of the, 83

Urach, Germany, carved wood at, 410


Vagniacæ, 418

Valetta, Malta, St. John's Church at, 51

Vardon, John, constable of Rockingham, 368

Vaulting, 188

Venice, treasury of St. Mark at, 280

Verulamium, ruins of, 30

Vesica piscis, a form of aureole, 77

Vice depicted symbolically, 189

Victory, images and temple of, 181

Vienna, Holyrood monastery at, date of, 408

Vienne, Chapel of Greek-cross-form at, 193

Villefranche, painted glass at, 194

Vincennes, chateau of, 340

Virgin, the Blessed, representation of, 78, 194

Vita Haroldi, 35

"Vitraux peints de St. Etienne de Bourges," notice of, 169

Vyne, Stephen, 322


Waddington Hall, Yorkshire, 290

Wales and Anglesey, Christianity introduced into, 40

Walford, W. S., on cross-legged effigies, 49

Waller family, genealogy of, 386

——— Messrs., series of brasses published by, 199, 203, 206

Wallingford Castle, Berks, 93, 99

Waltham Abbey, Herts, date of, 35

Warblington Castle, Hants, 106

Wardour Castle, Wilts, velvet altar fronts at, 329

Warin, constable of Rockingham Castle, 367

Warnford Church, Hants, 393

Warwick Castle, 99, 102, 104

Waterford Cathedral, 328

Watson, Lewis, Earl of Rockingham, 376

———— Sir Edward, and Sir Lewis, 376

Way, Albert, Introduction, 1; Sepulchral Brasses, 197; Review of "Shaw's Dresses and Decorations," 284

Welland, right of fishing in the, 367

Welles, Lord John, 376

Wells Cathedral, Somerset, incised slab in, 210, 250

Wenlock, Shropshire, Prior's House at, 163

Wensley Church, Yorkshire, brass in, 208

Wentworth, Thomas, Marquess of Rockingham, 376

West Cowes Castle, Isle of Wight, 106

Westminster Abbey, alterations in, 166

————————— cope at, 329

Weston Underwood, Northamptonshire, cope at, 329, 331

Westwell Church, Kent, east window of, 16

Weymouth, Dorset, Roman buildings near, 280, 385

Whichford, Warwickshire, incised slab at, 210

Whitaker's "History of Whalley," 414

Whitchurch, North Wales, brass at, 201

White's "History of Selbourne," 414

Wick, near Alton, Hants, Roman remains at, 393

Wicklow, antiquities found in, 253

Willement, windows painted by, 21

William of Arques, succession of, 275

——— of Malmsbury, 25, 26

——— the Conqueror, Castles built by, 94

Wilson, E., Esq., copes in the possession of, 329

Wiltshire and Gloucestershire, Church Architecture in, 67

Wiltshire, Roman vases found in, 280

———— Topographical Society of, 414

Winchester, Hants, remains of a chapel at, 249

Windows, 188

Windsor Castle, Berks, 94, 99

Winston, C., on painted glass, 14

————————— Review of "Vitraux Peints de St. Etienne de Bourges," 169

Witham, Essex, skeletons &c., found at, 393

Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, cross at, 383

Wool, Dorsetshire, embroidery at, 329

Wootton, Northamptonshire, coins found at, 67

Worcester, mound at, 99

———— St. Clement's Church at, 261

Worle Hill, Somersetshire, ancient British masonry at, 308

Worlingworth, Suffolk, 161

Worthbarrow, bay of, sacrificial remains at, 350

Worthing, Sussex, antiquities found at, 270

Wright, T., Anglo-Saxon Architecture, 24

————— Horn-shaped Ladies' Head-dresses, 45

————— Original Documents, 64, 152

————— Domestic Architecture, 212, 301

————— Shobdon old Church, 233

————— Notice of Didron's "Iconographie Chrétiénne," 72

————————— "Guide to the Neighbourhood of Oxford," 177

————————— Gailhabaud's "Ancient and Modern Architecture," 184

————————— "Illuminated Calendar," 405 Wright's, T., Notice of Ord's "History of Cleveland," 411

Thompson's "Hand-book of Leicester," 415

Wroxeter, Salop, 310

Wymondley, Herts, manor of, 376

Wynkyn de Worde, 55

Wynne family, engraved portraits of, 201


Yarmouth, Norfolk, desecration at, 136, 138

Yaxley Church, Hunts, paintings at, 158

Yielden, mound at, 99

Ynys Seiriol Church, Anglesey, 121, 123, 126

York, mound at, 99, 310


Zimisces, coins of, 132, 133

Zones, architectonic, 187